4th shoulder mount


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON May-06-11 AT 11:54AM (MST)[p]Check out my brother's 4th shoulder mount. It's a whitetail that one of his friends took. Not a big whitetail, but pretty, but the taxidermy is what I'm talking about. What do you think? I think he's doing pretty good so far. He taught himself.

It's lookin good enough for me- Great color in both the cape and the antlers too..!

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
You're bro is a quick learner. The mount looks good to me.
Is it just a hobby or future he's looking into?

i know a lot of begginers struggle with the eyes{those eyes look good}, but that mount looks like something you would pick up at the taxidermy shop. great job
Not bad for his 4th mount. What stand out is the lower lip where it meets up with the nose pad its to long. Some of what Im looking at could be how the lower lip was tuck into the form. The white patch below the eyes are different. It looks like its already been painted. The colors look like black paint there is no black around a deer eyes except on the nicetating membrane. Theres no black on a deer nose either. Its really hard to give you a honest opinion do to the one pic but for 4 shoulder mounts hes going in the right direction. quest

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