4th Annual MM Xmas Party!


Long Time Member
The 4th Annual MM Christmas Party arrived without much fanfare in large part due to it being ?By Invitation Only?. That was necessary after events at last years party which included 4 felonies, 3 misdemeanors and 2 unwanted pregnancies.


Yet again I wasn?t invited but I knew there had to be a way to get my hands on an invite. I contacted one of the well known invitation brokers, Darth Garter, and inquired about availability. As luck would have it there were a few left and after paying an overinflated price I was very happy to be going. I was in a bit of a hurry and distracted leaving the house when I hit a fire hydrant, then a tree at the end of my driveway.


That didn't stop me from going though. This is when months of cross training would pay off and I was determined to get there as fast as I could.


I wasn?t allowed in to the compound.....err property, but eventually I found access under the electrified perimeter fence. The house was much smaller than I expected but someone obviously put a lot of time and thought into the decorations. Nice job Roy, I like your no-frills, penny-pinching style, good to see that higher education paying off. When does your new show come out on HGTV?


Guests were greeted by Wiszard?s wife. She's a real looker and you can see why Steve ?hits? it. She's not the brightest light in the ball park but she bakes a great meth cake. With Agassi attending it didnt last long.


In the backyard Billy Ocean?s ?Caribbean Queen? was blaring through the speakers and the crowd went crazy. When grizzlyplumber tried to grind against AZstickman and alp75 things got a bit out of hand. Luckily cooler heads prevailed and they were all seen later sipping egg nog through the same straw.


Slamdunk was there of course. He?d been working out for an upcoming show and was looking buff. The guy had more definition than Websters but had a package so small UPS wouldn't deliver it.


Dunk?s 1-year old son was there as well. After being on mother?s milk for the first month, baby Arnold was switched to Muscle Milk. The phenomenal growth speaks for itself and I can't foresee any adverse side affects (my eyes rolling), although he does go through diapers like Stinky goes through bullets on an elk hunt.


Not to be outdone, Kilowatt had secretly been working out and was taking massive amounts of Viagra to offset the effects of the roids. Seen here, Kilo musters all his energy to subdue his ever-growing holiday joy.


cjboz showed up trying to impress the ladies with his 6-pack abs. Looks like the type of muscle you get from sitting in to many ground blinds over a grain feeder.


Someone said OutdoorWriter was in the back room spooning with his big lens. I thought it was some kind of technical photography term but it turns out it is what it is.


Nickman and D13er rolled in on their new road hunting rig made by LazyFord. You should call Pimp My Ride, they might Scotchgard it and put a lift under it for you.


There was plenty of entertainment for all ages. Triple K and Qtip kissed and made up (in private) then surprised the crowd with a game of charades. Triple K couldn't live with herself in the morning so she slept till noon.


Later on Qtip bared her implants to a few of the curious onlookers. I wasnt sure if the doc did an udderly bad job but it does explain why Stinky loves Wyoming.
She had more hands on her then a bong at a Greatful Dead concert.


Yeah stinkystomper was there, craving attention like a 5 year old at his own birthday party. After wetting his undies and stripping down naked he pranced around the back yard for all to see.


1911 brought this corn-fed beauty who dressed with a lot of Christmas spirit... unfortunately she hit the buffet line early and people went home hungry that night.


I didn't see bobcatbess but there were signs he had been around. Catman, you may want to lay off the bran.


PleaseDear, having tired of pulling his goats around the hills, was seen showing off his new elk hauling invention.


cbeard was sitting in the corner by himself. I asked him ?Why the long face??. He mumbled something but I couldn't understand him, must have been lawyer talk. Based on his drunkeness I'd guess he's only passed one bar in his life. beard said he's rather be a drunk, alcoholics have to go to meetings and he doesnt have time for that.


never_catch made a brief appearance but went missing for a while until he was captured on the home security camera checking out Stanleys wife?s new car.


Manny?s 3 single daughters showed up. Rackmaster at first denied being the father but the events caught on the trail camera were undisputable. Of course many people, Manny included, were very upset about this... they contend the use of trail cameras are unethical.


After his shift at the mall was over, then a quick stop to the donut shop, Browtine arrived to provide security. Hey Brow, John Oates called, he wants his mustache back.


B_F_E (aka Begging For Estrogen) had a problem with the cranberry juice, or maybe it was the peach schnapps, and spent most of the night in the john. Sorry the party was such a drag for you Beefer.


BeanMan arrived dressed for the occasion but pretty much kept to himself. He?d grimace, get a smile on his face then go back to cowering against the wall. Judging by the smell and the burning in my eyes I'm guessing his new strain of jalapeno beans won't be a hit.


BuckSnort was there with his new wife. He obviously didnt want to be there but she made him go, saying ?I had to bring him, he was to ugly to kiss goodbye?.


No secret where Overton got his name. He was on display during feeding time... until he bit a hand off one of his trainers.


VelvetJones showed up with a case of malt liquor and some associates. Velvet, it was a business doing pleasure with you.


Hunt_Rez was there, brought his photo album with him. He had no RESERVATIONS showing off pictures of his biggest buck. No ground shrinkage there.


I caught NVBighorn trying to take a peak at my wifes panties. Carl you've been to the house enough to know she don't wear any.


In a rather chaotic scene TAGATTRACTER pulled down his pants and asked to be kissed below his ?Missile Toe?. I left the room when Rugarm77 started strumming the theme from Deliverance.


The Founder, who looked smaller in person, found me and wanted to kick my butt for posting offensive stuff on his site. After a young boy fired a few punches at me and missed, he seized the opportunity and flew through the air at me and connected with a lucky long shot. I gotta admit it hurt but probably not as bad as getting kicked by a horse.


Speaking of horses, BHWAR showed up looking for her saddle. Dressed like that I could tell ya 16 inches is wishful thinking. Giddyup cowgirl.


Completesportsman arrived with his youngest. Cute little guy but already had some bad habits.... the diaper digging and drooling should have been curtailed long ago.


Last person I met was Eel. He was supposed to play Santa for the kids a little later in the evening but this would prove to be the year that Santa came early.

All in good fun guys. I tried to humorously offend..ughhh honor as many as possible. Many of those I forgot I'm sure I'll catch up with at the MM New Years Eve party.
Tag never showed?? Man, get a guy a girl friend and you never see them again. I thought maybe I just missed him because I left early when the malt liquor ran out and everyone started licking hand sanitizer from the shot glasses.

This is born to be a MM classic thread. :)
One more thing, Feleno bless his little man crush, was so busy with his photo journalism that he selflessly failed to snap any pics of himself. I just downloaded by camera and after I got the chicken grease in the USB port thing straightened out, I did find one.

I gotta tell you Feleno, being the skeptic that I am, that Rogaine regiment seems to be paying off in spades.


yeah the Rogaine has been a huge blessing, Jack Link's Jerky called, said they'd be interested in me doing some commercials.

Good to see you got the flatbed hooked up and was able to bring your gal.
Nice job Feleno hope everyone is able to make it back to work today! How bout more pics of Mrs. Clause :D

Success is failure that tried one more time
Just going through some of these pictures. I know many of you were concerned about NVB making it back home after he and Kilo thought someone had stolen their car. Well, they pooled their money and found a pretty good deal on craigslist for some suitable transportation. In then end it was a blessing as they were able to bond more than they had on the drive out.


The other good news is everyone can call off the search for his car. NVB's finders fee got the posse out in force and with a little help from the warmer weather it has been located. Congrats to the lucky finder and I'm sure NVB will make good on his word to get the 55 gallon drum of peanut oil to you right away.


Holy Smokes F-er Nice Job!!! How did you find my secret honey hole hunting spot? Did the empty corn sacks give it away? Or was it the the empty beer bottles, stacks of cigarette butts and empty cans of Vienna sausages piled up next to the old suburban on blocks? LMAO nice job again!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-09 AT 08:06AM (MST)[p]It was an honor to attend my first MM party but Feleno is being modest. Here he is when Outdoorwriter took his photo.

As you can see Cjboz had a great time entertaining all.

The night quickly ended when several regulars were arrested. I am sure that is Kilo in the front but as a new guy i have trouble remembering all the names.
ROFLMAO!! Very nice F-Dude!!

I was hoping to see some critters on the drive there but didn't expect to almost hit a hitch hiker...man what a douche that guy was!!

It was really quite a party. I think a good time was had by all and it was great to see old friends and put faces with names.

Here 1911 and KillerBee finally get a chance to meet Hdude and Piper.

Even Predator and Tuffy were there. I think Pred got him straightened out as to who was in charge of parking.

I felt it was like celebrity night when stinky and QTIP showed up. They had just gotten back from some time on the beach so their tans were amazing.

Right away QTIP started showing off saying things like "I bet you can't do this".

After the stinky's left this girl showed up and seemed to be looking for someone.

Looked like JakeH got hooked up with the girl of his dreams. Some of the other guys seemed to be a little jealous.

Later in the night sageadvice decided to show us all just how tough he really is. I have to admit, I wouldn't do that but then again, there was some serious ground shrinkage afterward.

Feleno did manage to send a Christmas card. It was the one his mother sent out years ago when F'Dude was just a youngster. It's the thought that counts.

The gift exchange was a big hit too. completesportsman and never_catch got to steal the present they really wanted. Last I saw 'em they were heading off to the back room giggling.

We asked Manny to bless us and say grace before the meal. There's an hour and a half we'll never get back. Hey Manny, the 1960s called, they want that jacket back.
hahahaha, nice Feleno...you really have some time on your hands dont ya?

"...I'd rather be tried by twelve than carried by six..."
thanks guys, you were all inspiration.

as usual it really was an interesting and eye opening party. I'm glad to see many of you also brought your cameras to document the events of the evening as I'm sure they'll be of great use in future court proceedings.
I know I drank way too much Egg Nog and ended up in the "pokie"! Tag will you apologize to your granny for me about wrecking her Caddy and breaking her Rock Band set. I should Parole by next Christmas!!! Cant wait!! Kick aZZ party though guys!!
Thanks for the compliment! I really put a lot of creativity into making the place look nice. It may not look like I put in a lot of work but the thinking and planning parts were difficult! Oh and those fences, those belong to the neighbors, seems for some reason they all want their "privacy" now - go figure!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
What a hangover. For what it's worth that is a sumo wrestling outfit I use for my second job in the WWF. Farming just ain't paying the bills like it used to.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-09 AT 02:03PM (MST)[p]Slam
you did that the night of the party to...

i appreciate the effort you put in to the planning, it really showed. My wife is having a candle party the end of the month, the invite is in the mail, say no more.

i'm sure you are going to be in a lot of 'pokies' where you'll be spending the next year.

do i dare ask your wrestling stage name?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-09 AT 06:31PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-09 AT 06:28?PM (MST)

I was just glad I got an invitation this year NVB, isnt she the best, I could see why those other guys were jealous. :)

Feleno, you forgot about the hottub, everyone had a fun time in there, it got a little crazy as you can see.

And then there was the Wives of MM'ers Beauty pageant. Mywifeishotterthantiffany's wife took home top honor's she's the one in the green, ###########################(EDIT got to save my ass) also placed she got 4th see her in the pink. (I thought she got robed by the judges)

you also left out the great singing group that showed up, who would have thought that Kilowatt, Lesgo, Ransom, Browtine, and last but not least NVBighorn could harmonize like that could be the highlight of the night.

Killerbee past out and NVB took advantage of the situation to get one up on him in there little internet battle.

D13er and Bucksnort made the trip out it was good to see them out of the house, and im glad that JB's got control of his eating disorder.

Of course someone alertied the mod's and they came in cans of mace a blazin trying to take control of the place.
poor Manny he never stood a chance...

LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-09 AT 03:10PM (MST)[p]LMAO Jake!!

F-er I lucked out and got my own cell! Turns out the judge was Deerkings brother and Coleman Houstons Uncle. How lucky am I? LMAO

looks like you were in the wrong hot tub, here's the one I was in. Somewhere here i'm supposed to say something about bearded clam but I'll refrain

whatever you do don't drop the soap or you'll end up someone's wife.
Dang F-Dude you sure caught us at some bad moments! I tried to save face but,as you can see,that would have taken a couple of years so I gave up!!!

I thought I was talkin' plain enough though,I just think them lawyer words were over yer head!

That's good entertainment right there. Is Piper the little one or is that Fdude...just curious. Nice effort bighorn and jake. Good laughs.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-09 AT 08:11PM (MST)[p]better delete that one. funny post though:)
Cute. I think my wife looks hot in green.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time

where'd you get that pic of my girls!...

anyways that coat was givin to me by Billy Gram! besides i enjoy preachin to the heathens....LOL
Glad to see some of these pictures surface. It was a great party. Even Founder, nochawk, alwayz and a couple other mods were there sort of keeping an eye on things.

'Even Founder, nochawk, alwayz and a couple other mods were there sort of keeping an eye on things. '

I wondered what all the fuss was about when this vehicle pulled up.

So I know there has been talk of some unwanted pregnancies, and trail cams which captured evidence, but who would of known that one particular she was actually a he and knocked up these three. Sorry, NVB, Jake, & JB but it was only a matter of time before L.A. Ragmag broke the story anyway.


Oh and Jake I luv ya man but what made you think this was a costume party. Talk about awkward silence when you waltzed through the front door in this getup. :)

Good lord - what kind of freaks are you guys?

So how many posts on MM do you have to have before you can get invited to this shindig?

BTW - who is the BHWAR gal - is that her real pic? Best looking one of the bunch.
good job on the photos guys... and gals, phunny stuff. these pictures will go along way in determining who will be invited back next year by the powers that be. i still havent figured out who that is.


I probably shouldnt release this photo but is shows how hi-tech
the surveillance is at this place. I bumped into this guy very accidently after hearing what I thought was a duck being smothered in a closet. boy was i surprised. this interesting fellow? told me security here was only second to Fort Knox and the Pentagon.
22 posts HomerJ, we were hoping you would make one more post so you could get the nod!! Hang around, Holidays are celebrated pretty regular around here! Whatever you do dont piss off the mods! Our parents get called and they have to come pick us up early from the party!:(
Actually HomoJ, you were invited but your invitation was returned. Simple spelling error apparently but I can't see it. I think I warned you about that when you first came on board.
LMAO LilRed.

Well if you must know Red, its all JB's fault he sent me a picture of you and said that you thought it would be cool if a few of us went as super heros, so I was just dressing up so that you wouldnt feel left out and be the only one in a costume.

Here is the pic he said you sent him.

And also dose 1911 know that you are sending these provocative pics out to his friends on the internet......tisk tisk shame on you.


By the way my costume was so much better than yours admit it you know its true. :)

>LMAO LilRed.
>Well if you must know Red,
>its all JB's fault he
>sent me a picture of
>you and said that you
>thought it would be cool
>if a few of us
>went as super heros, so
>I was just dressing up
>so that you wouldnt feel
>left out and be the
>only one in a costume.
>Here is the pic he said
>you sent him.

>And also dose 1911 know that
>you are sending these provocative
>pics out to his friends
>on the internet......tisk tisk shame
>on you.


>By the way my costume was
>so much better than yours
>admit it you know its
>true. :)

for 1 time i REALLY wish you would follow the 80% no skin rule. please, really PLEASE. i just puked up a little in my mouth
Welcome home Cass!!!

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
How did I miss this thread?????

Oh I know, I was delivering Christmas presents to all the "little kids".:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Dang Feleno my wife saw me looking at this thread,said "WHAT IS THAT???"-and started this yakking/yukking thang somewhere between laughing and puking. Said it was like passing a bad car wreck where you couldn't look away-especially beanman and the big-booty gals!(Good thing the "security man" pic was pulled..)

I think she's cool but if she has a flashback I'm comin' to YOUR house and drinkin' YOUR beer Dude!

Sorry the Mrs. had to read this, I should have put a disclaimer on the thread. We are usually so well behaved down here in the campire, this thread is a complete anamoly.
My eyes are watering and my stomache hurts from laughing so hard..............you cannot buy entertainment like this! You guys are great!

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