49 Degrees North Moose permit



Does anyone have any info on this area?Any past hunters with info would be great.What is the best time to go,roads, access.
I hunted the Selkirks a few years back and contacted every hunter from the two years previous, they were by far the best source of information. On the other hand, the moose were everywhere in the Unit and it's easy to get hung up on a certain spot just because someone killed a big one there last year.

Drop me a PM with your address and e-mail and I'll send you some information. I wrote up the notes for my hunt and you may find them informational for your hunt as well.

The number one piece of advice I'd give is to cover ground, followed by cover more ground. They're very nomadic and roam all over the place. It's just a matter of catching one in the open somewhere you can see him. 49 Degrees North is supposed to be the best unit because it's so open from logging you can actually see animals.

Just be patient, oh yeah, and cover lots of ground!
I'll second what MDC says, contact the prior permit holders. You should have a good hunt, that unit puts them out. Be sure to share some pics after the hunt is done.
That first week the ruts going strong,cover ground and take friends you don't like cause after the pack they won't talk to you again!

Best time....depends on what kind of hunting you do. If you are a caller then the first of October. If you are a road hunter, or spot and stalk type then November is your best bet after the foliage hits the ground.
Check the clearcuts on the east side of Chewelah mountain, Goddards Peak and Winchester Creek. There is alot of willow and cianothus in those areas and those are their favorite foods. You will find moose where there is alot of moose food. Check the Power Peak area too as there are alot of moose around there. Basically, there are moose scattered all over the whole unit but they like the thick timber so spotting them can be tough unless you check the open areas where they feed. Otherwise calling during the rut or tracking them in the November snow should be a good bet.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-04-06 AT 06:56PM (MST)[p]Thanks for all the information.

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