460 Utah Bull - Rumor Mill??



Three different times in the past two days I have been told about a "New world record elk" killed in Utah this year that allegedly scores 460.

In fact 2 days ago a guy produced a picture and showed my buddy. He said it was a new world record elk him and his friend killed in Utah this year and Cabela's had offered them $2 million dollars for the head.

My buddy said it was this guy and one other with a bull elk and he said it was huge. But he doesn't know much about scoring. I heard the same story again twice yesterday.

One guy said Southern Utah, the other said Wasatch front. But both are telling the same thing... "460 Bull and Cabelas is offering them $2 million for it."

Has anyone else heard this rumor? Sounds too good to be true to me. Just wondering.

I would belive $20,000 but 2 mill come on... for a record that will be broken in a couple years. I agree, I would even drive it to Sidney my self that that kind of change....
Here is the part of the story I'm having trouble with.

OK, a 460 bull seems a bit of a stretch to me... but a new world record bull was killed in Utah this past fall and I'm just now hearing about it at the end of January. Huh??

And I haven't seen anything about it on this site. Sounds really fishy to me. I wondered if anyone else has heard this rumor.

But again, my buddy was holding a picture in his hand on Monday of the alleged elk and he said it was "massive". And the guy that handed him the picture was standing there in the photo.

However, Kings Calendars comes to mind. I mean you can really make any photo you want these days with software... so I'm a bit skeptical about this one.
There was no 460 B&C bull killed in Utah this year or any other year for that matter. Maybe a ranch bull that scored 460 was killed somewhere,(roll eyes)wow.......
That's why they call it the Rumor Mill. What comes around goes and around, nobody will ever know. It's so funny how the big ones always seem to never surface.
dawg, your not alone. I have heard about a monster killed in utah that is pushing that big. I havent heard the cabelas aspect of it. I have no clue if it is true. a 460 bull is pretty hard to swallow.he would have had to have been over 400 last year and you think someone would have said somthing sooner.
Cass did you change your name to Howndawg???????? Only you can come up with these stories.
That bull came from Alberta, Canada. It was a farm elk. We had a shot to buy it up there for alot less than the alleged price. The 2 million price tag is bogus, I also heard Cabelas offered him 1 million and he turned it down.
Anyways, I'd bet my world on that elk being a ranch bull.
I also know the "trophy buyers" for Cabelas. They wouldn't spend that much money on an elk. They probably would on a bunch of muleys, though.
Hey "How many Casses are there"...

After you retake the third grade again and learn to read go back and look at the post a bit more carefully. Or have one of your boyfriends read it for you...

I didn't make up a story. Some guy in Utah county showed my buddy a picture of him and some other guy standing with a huge bull elk and told him it was a new world record.

My buddy called me right after the guy left and said the elk in the picture was freakin' HUGE and wondered if I'd heard anything. I told him no it sounded bogus.

Then for the next couple of days I kept hearing this rumor all over Utah county. I just wondered how wide spread the rumor was.

I never believed it for a second because this site has taught me one thing if nothing else... I used to think fishermen were the best liars around... until I met all the deer and elk hunters on this site. :)

Funny thing is before the weekend is over I'd bet my left arm that "How many Casses" will be telling his buddies at a super bowl party, "Did I tell you a friend of mine killed a 485 bull in Utah this year? Cabelas is going to pay him $3.5 million for the head and he's splitting it with me cuz I helped him gut it out."

I'd bet my left arm on it!! :)

Did your friend see a picture of the bull when it was alive? The pictures I saw were of the elk alive, mounted and the score sheet to go with it.
I heard the same thing. My Father-In-Law called me up 3 weeks ago to tell me about one of his Subcontractors that had a friend who shot a 460+ bull and Cabelas offered him $2 million for it. This guy told my F-I-L that they shot it down by Price. The first thing I thought was that the bull most likely came off the High fence ranch down there. That would be my guess.
I know 2 guys in that Spanish Fork,Ut. area that knows pretty much what's alive around there. There has been no talk about that bull. I'm pretty sure it came from Canada. Or, a bull was killed up there on a ranch that is awful similar to this one. I have a picture of the score sheet and it doesn't net score anywhere near 460.
I made a post a few months ago on the elk forum about a live bull that was offered on "taxidermy.net" it was tranquilized and scored at 457". It was a game farm elk.
I don't know if this is the same bull, but I think this story would have broke months ago if it were a free ranging bull!
Sounds like this story is growing like the Alaskan bear story!
Just to add to the rumors. A month or so back I had a guy shoein our horses and he was telling us about an elk that was killed on a ranch somewhere around Price that scored 460. I told him no way and he promised to get a picture which I have yet to see. I would not doubt that it is true if it is a ranched bull. A fair chase bull like that would get to much publicity

The guy that produced the photo for my buddy was a Farrier.

Sounds like the same guy to me.
ya think just maybe somebody mentioned the 416 utah bull and stretched it to 460?
remember,ferriers are like houndsmen,each time the story is told the cat gets 6" longer and 50lbs heavier.
416 & 460 kind of sound the same,but of course 460 sounds better!
cass is the only one i've heard to out do you,he knows of 500+ bulls(does he multiply by 2 or 3)
remember the 13' tom?this kinda goes hand in hand!

Ok, lets put this rumor to bed. Yes there is a guy in Utah County that shot a 460 bull elk. Yes, it is a ranch bull. Yes there is a guy that is going around (friend of killer himself) that is telling everyone the stories. But problem being he doesn't know when to quit. Tells us that B&C is giving him a hard time. Wonder why? Tells me that he shot it up on the road to duchesne just below the emma park road cut off. Guess what is there???? An elk ranch.. Go figure. Saw it with my own eyes today. Just like everyone knows, if it was really legit, we all would of heard about it long before now. When I talked with them, they wanted 1 mil... Figured something fishy going on, so made some calls, did my research and bada bing bada boom low and behold the truth prevails and we have answers. There is no way that cabela's has offered 2 mil, just like bogey said. It's worth about 4-5 thousand at the most. I am not sure that would even cover the ranch fee he paid. Killer gave us pictures and the score sheet, if anyone would like to see.


Yes please post some pics if any one has them, ranch bull or not. Sounds like a bruser to me.
Ya, it was a ranch bull the shooter lives down the rd. from me.
it green scored 460. he hasn't said anything about selling.
Ok, I will gladly post the pics if someone tells me how. And by the way do you know how much he paid to shoot it DUVY? Just curious...
He paid 5,000. he shot the wrong Bull out on the ranch. ( up Indian canyon, by Price) The bull he shot was sold for 30,000.
the guides boy let him shot the bull.the owner of the ranch got back and was pissed because he had the bull sold for more .
The part that gets me is that if a 460 bull was shot ANYWHERE. On a ranch, in a farm, in somones backyard, on the rooftop on christmas. Somone would have published this. a 460 bull is just as popular in the hunting world as bill clinton is on the political scale.

your story is true, the elk is on a ranch not far from price, however the animal is not dead yet. It broke one of its tines and would have scored under the 460 mark if the hunter shot the animal this season, so the hunter paid the rancher some big money to hunt the animal next season. as for the 2 million dollar cabelas offer that is the first Ive heard of it.
There are alot of 400 bulls killed on ranches. You don't hear about those. This bull is very nice. The third point is 36 inchs and has 2 points coming off of it. That is what makes this bull huge. We are still trying to post the pictures and the score sheet, but can't get an answer as to how we do it. So if you have any insight let me know... [email protected]

I'm with you NUNYA!
Lets not give this animal the respect of being called a "ranch" bull!
There are many,many animals taken off ranches that are free-ranging,fair chase trophies!
This is a caged,high fenced,canned,pen raised,domestic,elk!
Like shooting a hereford!
Elk on steroids. About a year ago I came across a website that had breeder bulls that would go over 500. I don't think B&C has changed their policy on genentically engineered elk.
Speaking of big bulls, wasn't the Shipley bull pushing the 500 inch mark?
Shooting a grain fed elk behind an 8 foot fence is like bragging about getting laid in a whore house. Nobody really cares.

I feel that regardless of where the bull was killed we should give it respect. Its not the animals fault that it was "farm raised", that being said, I think that the shooter is the one that we should not be giving respect to. To shoot an animal like that is rediculous and unsportsmanlike, I think that it should be outlawed.

Here is the picture of it:

Enjoy... it still is a nice bull, I just can't stand being lied to.

The deal about 2 million for this Bull where do I sign up so I can start pumping some bull elk full of protein and calium ,How long will it take to grow a 460 bull, hey for 2 million I'm ready to give up my job and hand feed him if I have to.
RE: 460 ranch bull or PETA??????????????????

I am like most and would agree that shooting a ranch bull is no big deal (as anyone could do the same) but we should not hang someone atleast he thinks its hunting and buys a gun bullets clothes etc and that helps out all hunters one way or another I would rather see him hunt that bull then join PETA

PS, I think I seen the bull at the RV show today it was shot by Gary Larson from Spanish Fork Ut on Oct 23 2003 and yes it was a ranch bull infact it was one in utah called Royal Rut Ranch Eagle Mountain Ut it scored 459 4/8 I would bet there is a picture on this web page www.royalrut.com

Clynt L Citte
Roy UT
RE: 460 ranch bull or PETA??????????????????

Wow what a joke this is turning out to be. How does someone get to put there Ranch kill into a RV show? Saw killer and his sidekick again a couple of nights ago, and gee I wonder why they won't even look me in the eye?

RE: 460 ranch bull or PETA??????????????????

The ranch had a booth there at the rv show

Clynt L Citte
Roy UT
RE: 460 ranch bull or PETA??????????????????

You all act like it was the bulls fault for being ranched raised. Sorry Horn is horn, big horns is still what we all want to see. If the guy who shot this elk thinks he did a hunt well great for him,(I'm glad he can afford a hunt like this) just don't lie about how it was killed or where it was killed.Ranched killed and in the wild killed is two different stories. If I have a 460 bull I would sell it too, if I could find some-one to buy it. It is still a great looking bull hands down.
RE: 460 ranch bull or PETA??????????????????

So you buy the bull for $5000 and sell the mount for $2mil??????? Good investment.

The things people beleive..........
RE: 460 ranch bull or PETA??????????????????

THE Bull was for sale for 2Mill but there was no players and cabelas said no way

Clynt L Citte
Roy Ut

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