450 archery bull?


Very Active Member
Heard from a "friend of a friend" that his buddy shot a 450 bull with his bow. Anyone else hear about this? Trying to get a photo but might not be able to if this is true. Guy I know took a 390 last year in the same area last year and said there were a couple bigger ones around. All I know is he burned like 24ish points and paid a trespass fee but shot it on public. I'm headed out tomorrow in CO so won't be able to check back for a few days. Sorry to post and run!
I hope you're right! I haven't heard anything from my sources yet, but I'll keep my ears open and post anything that comes my way.
Are there any places, in Arizona, that charge a trespass fee, besides the Boquillas Ranch in 10? This is the second thread with a monster Bull in that area, if it was the "Big Bo" ranch.
I saw a photo of it and I'll hafta have them send it to me so I can post. It was after it's been caped but unbelievably huge!
Here's it. Don't know any details other that it was a friend of a friend and I haven't talked to him lately.
From what I know that is not correct. This was taken with a bow by a friend of someone I know and I know he doesn't know JJ.
Although looking at the rack, it does look pretty similar to JJ's so what I've been told may not be correct. I'll have to followup with the friend of mine to get the story straight! Guy does have an A3 shirt on so????
Look on his left, our right, where he most recently stripped velvet. The marks are exactly the same between the G1 and G3. Doesn’t take a forensics expert to see it’s the same bull. COLOelkman, are you trying to be cool because you look foolish
I think COLOelkman needs to have a chat with his buddy and call his bluff. I think he got told a big fish (big elk) story.
I'll find out what happened as I think my friend got something mixed up. I'd seen the video of JJ's bull a couple weeks ago but hadn't seen the photo I'd posted so I didn't think I'd need to "investigate" a photo that was texted to me. Obviously that is JJ's bull so I'll hafta find out what happened. Didn't mean to post misinformation.

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