40 years of hunting that big Muley



Ok.. up front i have got away from hunting mule deer for the excitment of chasing the couse,,,, well i think that all might change after my Archery hunt 2 weeks ago in Arizona... not the strip where big muleys are know... but the Whitemountian of AZ..

My wife and i drew the same hunts only different units AHH ok no big deal. so i was with our son in-law who has never hunted in his life he was visiting fron Canada, he is from England. any way to make a long story short i was found this small 2 point and had decided to take him if i could get a shot and be done so i could hunt harded with my wife on her hunt in Oct... well this buck was laying down about 15 yds from this 2 point ant stood up after i took a shot... WOW i goe excited but he was on to us so we left the area for about a hour or so and ended uo above wher we had jumped him.. We walked down a bit and i was glassing the forrest floor and man ther he was bedded down about 85 yds from me ... Wind in my face i started the stalk got to about 65 yrds and ran out of any cover so i renged a bunch of trees that were 30 yds closer and thought if i can make it ther it would be about 35 40 yd shot... i got half way there he turned we had a stareing match... he turned back i took another step.... he turned again.. ok i thiught this is it if he turns away where i cant see his eyes then i am pulling back and letting it fly... he did i stepped to the right and pulled back he came to his feet and WACK...... wow what a lucky gut I am... found him about 60 yds down the hill...
who has time for Punctuation when telling a hunting story??? haha ya never was much for the period... : )
yes it was about a 60 yd shot @ the 2 piont sure gladd i missed.. i posted pis dont know where they went i am new to the sight...
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Awesome Buck. See it is better to be lucky then good. Lucky you missed that first one and Good you got a shot at the one you took. Congrats Buddy.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
thank you all for your post, dont we live in a great country that we can all share our excitment and passion for what we love... thaks again...
Well pepsiman!

I don't even think ZIGGER can fix that GRAMMAR!

You've still got Buck Fever!:D

It only takes 40 years Huh?

I'm gettin Close!:D

Nice Job!

And thanks for letting that little ole PISSCUTTER Buck Grow!

Best Watch Out!
My Arm is starting to Hurt!
I'm about to Itch it!
40 Years? For me, that would leave 21 more years until I get my "big Muley". Unless I count the years that I followed my dad on his hunts. That would leave 15 more years.

Anyway, that is a huge buck!! Congrats.

I'm not one for telling my grandson how big of turd I had to pinch off from having to eat so much meat. I want to give him the antlers that hang from my wall and tell him the unforgettable experience that came with each and every one.

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