4 Police Officers Shot in WA..........

I just heard this, being a Police officers wife this is one of the things I fear, I hope they find whoever did this.

Ditto kilo !!!

My heart goes out to the Families of these officers.
What makes my blood boil is the fact we have several members on this site that feel that cops are nothing but overpaid goverment employees sucking on the goverment t$t and are not worth it!!!

One more reason for all citizens to have acsess to a ccw.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
This sad event happened about 20 miles SW of my house. I just got back from an early morning ML elk hunt when it came on the news.
The latest development is: they think one of the dead officers got a bullet into him. They have released the name of a "person of interest". Just an hour ago the motorcade followed the coroners vehicles to Medical examiners office. It was chilling to watch. The four officers left 9 children without there fathers and mother.

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A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Yeah, we are all just paranoid, people don't just target cops for being cops.

This really freaks me out-I work on a specialty squad with a Sgt. And 4 officers. Losing everyone I work with on a daily basis would be just horrifying.

My heart and Prayers are with this department and the ones left behind.

My curses are with the bastard that did this. I hope he's gutshot and dumb enough to not seek medical attention.

We have been watching it on the local news all day. My wife ha been in tears. She wants me to use my concealed weapons permit and start packing everywhere. the "person of interest" is an 8 time felon and still on the streets!!!! I think that we need to start holding the judges who let these dudes out accountable for the actions of the parolees! 5 police officers dead by execution in Western Washington within the last month! This crap has to stop!!!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

"I think that we need to start holding the judges who let these dudes out accountable for the actions of the parolees!"

plus 1

sound like a liberal judge......
+1 polarbear- Also did you see that he was from Arkansas and Mike Huckabee pardoned him when he was the Governor?

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A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
Yep, I saw that and I feel that Huckabee should be held partially responsible for this cretins behavior and actions!!! We have nothing but liberal judges here in Washington. It makes me sick!!!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Let's all remember to keep these officers and their families in our thoughts and prayers.

I hope they kill this POS without bringing him in, but shoot poorly enough that it takes him a while to die. There needs to be a special place in hell for scum like this POS.
They said in the news that one of the officers may have gotten off a couple of shots at the suspect and that he may be injured. Lets hope that the bastard has a gut wound and is hiding is sheer agony!!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

Why do they let these A@@holes out of prison. rehabilitation my A@@, I have never seen it work, once a hardened criminal always a hardened criminal plain and simple. Weed the f@@kers out of the gene pool for good. Why waist $60,000 dollars or more a year housing and caring for them when the problem can be solved the first time for the price of some powder and lead. I get so pissed off every time here of some parolee that gets let out after LEO worked so had putting them away to protect everyone. I say go after the judges that let them out maybe they will think twice the next time they parole someone.
I think when you go to jail you get a mat a blanket and a toilet. A little slot on the door opens twice a day for meals and you eat with your fingers. Return the bowl. And that room is where they stay the whole sentence 24/7! No yard time, no TV, no magazines no anything. That will break anyone and make them never want to go back!
People there for life should die within 1 week or sentencing! Make prison hell and the crime rate will go down and repeat offenses will definitely drop!

My heart goes to the families it really sucks that this stuff happens.
I 'll tell you a couple more things about the guy.
He was sentenced to life in Arkansas, he was pardoned.
He moved to WA State, he was arrested for assaulting a LEO, he was arrested for child rape.
He was just bailed out last Wednesday, the day before T-Day.
WHY...... makes no sense. Like polarbear said: these greenie, tree hugging judges, politicians make me sick.
Last night until this morning the SWAT team had him, holed up in some apartments in Seattle. When they entered this morning he wasn't there.

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A conclusion is the place where you got tired of thinking.
They got him this morning!!!!! The cop shot and killed him as he was trying to flee. I only wish that the police would have been able to administer an old fashioned beat down Rodney King style!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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