
Federal Stimulus money , imagine that . I'm in the wrong business , and should be in the fencing trade if they are getting that kind of money for that fence .

I'll bid on the next project and maybe one day I'll be rich .
What I don't get is if those tunnels don't work why do they keep building them? I know I've seen them in more places than just parleys.
Three miles of fencing, on both sides of the road, is 6 miles of fencing total. That is 31680 linear feet of fence being built. This works out to a cost of $12.46 per linear foot of fence. That is actually quite cheap.

Look at the financial cost of vehicle/wildlife accidents and I don't think it will take long to prevent $395k in damage..not to mention the number of deer and elk that won't be killed by vehicles now.

I think it's a great program and worth the money. Federal grants, if not used, go back to the feds. It's nice to see some benefit close to home.
I was happy to see the fence put up, I think it's a start in the right direction, but would work much better with an actual tunnel for the wildlife-like in Wyoming and i15 near beaver. Now if we could get hwy 40 done along jordanelle and 189 along deer creek we'd be saving a TON of wildlife.

Those numbers are pretty telling if you ask me. We lose so much game to roadkill it's sickening, and only going to get worse as our population continues to grow..
LAST EDITED ON Aug-14-11 AT 11:17AM (MST)[p]They are building a bunch of tunnels and one overpass with the fencing up near Pinedale Wy. Its about time, Im glad we have the stimulas money going for that, its gonna help a lot of wildlife and keep collisions down . The tunnels in Nugget canyon work very well, the web cams prove that, whats wrong with the Utah projects?
As far as I know the only "wildlife tunnel" in Utah is the one near Beaver on I15 Seems like it works great. We need more.

The deal in Parleys is a good step in the right direction, but I don't think there's any actual tunnel-just the regular old underpasses at Lambs and East Canyon. Or am I missing something?
I dont know how long it has been since tunnels were put in on Highway 395 outside of Reno, Nevada. But the tunnels that are in place are used A LOT! Last year we set up trail camera's on 2 out of the 6 or 7 bridges and we got pictures of atleast 400-500 deer moving through these 2 bridges in the 3 1/2 months we had the camera there. So that $395,000 will eventually pay for itself in the number of animals that are killed and the people that are saved.

"Elk dont know how many feet a horse had" - Bear Claw

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