$393 CC hit??


Long Time Member
I put my Dad and my son in for a general deer tag this year. A $393 charge is pending. Would this be for a general deer tag and license? Thanks. Or could this be a junior elk tag?


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Oh man....I hope you are right, Don!


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
No queston , $393 is a youth any bull permit!

That's is way cool Steve, where in Utah is Canyon's elk hunt? I hope it's close enough that we can help out some!

Really excited for your family, you've got a full fall ahead of you.

Just looked at the regs and a youth bull tag is $393!!! Canyon is going to be STOKED!! Last year was able to get out with friends and get him a cow elk. After that hunt he told me he'd like to shoot a bull now. I told him he may be waiting a while in order to get drawn for that. First year putting in for a bull tag, he gets drawn?? Holy Moses!!

DC- I haven't checked to see which hunts exactly I put him in for but I know I included your neck of the woods. All I can think about is that morning we sat and watched those 6 bulls move into the timber. I hope it turns out that we can all sit down and indulge in a game of Scrabble. :) Man...I'm pumped!! When do draw results come out so we can see which tag he drew?


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Super, have something to get pumped up about and a reason to hit the hills again this summer. I believe the e-mails get sent out around the end of May, give or take a day or two. It shouldn't be too long from now.

It doens't matter which unit Stevey, we're going to "turn the dogs loose" be it east, west, north or south.

We got da bulls, you gots'da tag! Perfect combination. That boy's golden, when it come to hunt draws.

So.....here's what the youth elk hunts look like....

Youth any bull elk hunts Permit fee: Resident $50, Nonresident $393 Hunt name Hunt # Season dates
Youth General Any Bull Elk 3498 Sept. 12?Sept. 20
Youth Late Season Any Bull 3499 Nov. 28, 2015?Jan. 15, 2016

Are these statewide tags? I see on my notes that I put him in for 3499, the late hunt.


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
It looks like the "only" area the Late Season Youth Elk hunt is open to is south of Vernal in the No. East part of the State. Ole BCat's back yard. If there's a bull out there he should have it surrounded for you by the end of November!

I could be wrong but I think that's what the "handbook" says.

Season dates
11-30-2013 to 1-15-2014


Wisz, During the early hunt a youth can hunt on any general season any bull unit. As far as I know during the late hunt there is only one unit open. I don't recall the name but it surrounds Vernal. If you go to the maps sections of the UDWR website and type in the hunt number it will show you the boundary.
My son had this hunt about 10 years ago. Great time.

No LE units BUT you get to hunt in the rut. Not a trophy hunt but in Utah you're always dangerous.

We packed into the Unitas with horses blindly. He passed on a spike opening day. Packed out someone elses bull the second day. Third day we came across fresh tracks of a herd in about 3" of fresh snow but not knowing the country they gave us the slip.

We packed out, thinking for just one day but got into elk near our camp, and near roads and hunted those for 4 more days.

He had one shot opportunity. We played cat and mouse with a raghorn for about 2 hours. I could have killed the bull twice but once my son was 6 feet to my right and couldn't see the bull. Bull was 90 yards away, looking at me. I grabbed my son and put him in my lap so he'd have a shooting lane. Bull saw the movement, turned and walked directly away with timber between us.

As soon as the bull topped out, we ran up the hill, caught our breath before topping out. I peaked over the top and he was quartering away @ 100 yards. I moved back and told my son to step up. He did, raised his gun and after 30 seconds, lowered it again. I asked what happened and he said he could see the whole body except the head. Not knowing for sure it was a bull, he passed. Great ethical decision but I knew the only elk on that hill we'd seen 3 times the last hour was a bull and may have taken the shot. Don't know for sure cause I didn't see what he he saw.

We played with bulls every hunt, AM and PM but he never had a clear shot, or it would get dark before we could close on the bull.

IMO opinion, a great hunt for youth since there is vertually no pressure, bulls are rutting and weather in nice.

PM me if you want to know where we hunted from the truck.
Hunter- I'll hit you up once I get a map and get my feet wet in the research. Any help is greatly appreciated. Just like his first buck in Nevada 2 years ago, he'll set a limit on antler size and not go below that for the first few days. He'd be happy with any branched antlered elk, I'll bet. Thanks guys!


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
When are the hunt dates for this tag..?? I could clue you in to some okay areas in the Uintas where I have encountered bulls during the Muzzy Deer hunt... All rutted up and bugling in my face... :)

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
NOT a rut hunt, but the best non-le chance for a kid to kill a branch antlered bull. There is a reason the hunt has 1 in 50 odds.
Well, I was wrong on what hunt my son drew. I got the email this am that he drew the EARLY youth any bull tag Sept 12-20 which is a rut hunt. There are many more hunt areas which is great and we are stoked to go try to call some bulls in. Have any of your kids ever had this tag before? I think we'll be looking into hunting the northern part of the state. Thanks and congrats to all you successful tag applicants.


Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
Steve the early hunt will give you a lot more options (areas) they went from 300 to 500 tags this year. Should be fun, but tough with football I had to try mostly late hunts with my son.
Like calfelkslayer my son drew this permit 11 years ago. Opening morning I called in a raghorn, had him bugling from on top of a ridge, down and up on our side. By the time the bull popped up just below us my son was so wired and shaking he couldn't hold still. He missed the shot but, he'll never forget the experience (nor will I). My son didn't get another opportunity but, our time together doing this was unforgettable.

I can picture that scenario were a kid would get so worked up knowing that bull is coming in. None of us have ever hunted elk in this capacity before so I think we'll all have our stomachs in our throat if we're able to call one in. I can't wait...

Cancer doesn't discriminate...don't take your good health for granted because it can be gone in a heartbeat. Please go back and read the last line. This time really understand what it says.
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