36C bruisers



Well, today it was pretty slow out at work so I decided to go on a little deer scout while I was out there. I found a road that is closed to the general public, but, has one of our( Border Patrol) locks on it. I took it in and it winded its way into the southern portions of the Baboquivaris. It went in about four miles and dead ended at a tank that had some water still in it. I got out out to scout around the tank when I heard some rocks coming down above me. It was 15, yes 15, coues deer. 8 does and 7 bucks. There was 2 bucks in the group that were definate shooters. The smaller of the two was a 95" to 100" 3X4 with decent eye gaurds. The best buck was a 4X4( 10 point) with AWESOME eyegaurds that were about 4 inches long! I estimated him to go in the 105" to 110 range. The most sriking feature about this buck was his spread! I guessed him at at least 16" inside! The rest in the group were a couple of spikes, a spindley horned 2X3, a couple of forkies and the two big boys. I got to veiw all of these bucks for a while cuz they only spooked about 100 yards up the hill and then stopped under a couple of oaks and just stood there forever. It was awesome!!

Oh yeah, at the tank, there was a huge set of fresh lion tracks in the mud where he came down and watered..
And, on the way out, I saw a big, 'ol Gila Monster in the road. I got out and took several good pics of him and I'll post them when I get the film developed. Quite a good day at the office!!! Good hunting,
Don't be throwing gasoline on my fire of hunting 36C desire. Only two more months till that tag is valid. Maybe grabbinng your bow on a day off will have a great reward, but then just seeing that nice buck is a nice perk to a day's work. Did you ever see that muley again?

Trade you lets say......40 IE's for 1 key and a hand drawn map.

Nice try AZpackhorse LOL!!! I think I could start a lucrative side business J/K !!!

Casey, I know that area pretty well and one of my classmates from the academy knows that unit like the back of his hand. He has 2 bucks out of that unit over 105". We'll hit him up for some spots to get you a bragger this fall. You ready to go kll a few birds when I get my dogs out here in a couple of weeks? I think I'm more excited to get into a bunch of coveys of Mearns with the pups than I am about my coues tag!!!

LAST EDITED ON Sep-14-04 AT 00:21AM (MST)[p]Scottyboy,

I'm assuming that you work the Tucson sector, but I'm curious...
I went scouting in 30A a couple of weeks since I have that tag for the November hunt and I talked to a rancher concerning where his deeded land was on the Nat'l. Forest. He got pretty defensive, I don't why since I wasn't asking for access, but just trying to make sure that I wasn't on his land and he started talking about his UDA problem. He told me that he gets between 300-400 a year across his land and that they break his water lines and his faucets and eat his calves. Is the UDA problem near Douglas as bad as it is near Tucson? You just never hear about it in that corner of the state. I know its pretty bad around Sierra Vista and Hereford etc.

P.S. I saw some Mearns quail while I was out if your interested.
scott, you know it man i have never hunted over dogs and should be some fun! i like quail hunting a lot! that would be awesome if your classmate could give my dad and i directions and get a bragger or 2! are you off this weekend? im coming down and am gonna try and get my dad to go out scouting, and shooting. if your off, you wanan go with us?
>I had a girlfriend once with
>36C bruisers.............

"now THAT was funny!!"
"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
LMFAO!!!! I never even thought of the title that way till you said something!! Nice,
Scotty: If you are giving away honey holes and scouting for free, find me a couple monsters and email me directions.....LOL........ Allen Taylor......
Nice post D13er! It made me laugh then my mind started to wander a bit. It was nice to know God took the time to put a little something down here for us to really enjoy when we're not hunting. Nothing better than a nice set of doubles!
What has the Border Patrol done in recent years to make it "safer" for outdoorsman in Southern Arizona? The reason why I ask is several years ago I was hunting in Unit 30B and my wife's Uncle encountered three walking up a creek. Two of them were holding up one in the middle who did not have shoes and his feet were bleeding. They had the audacity to ask him if they could have his shoes. He said "no" of course and then they asked how far Tucson was as to they were to hitch a ride to Colorado from there. It seems to me if he did not have a rifle and if they were desperate enough it could have turned out different. I know most that cross the border are good hard working people looking for a better way of life for their families but you never know who you can/will encounter out there. The odd thing that I noticed the BP do when we were down there is that they setup a check point just north of the Middlemarch Road which is just north of Tombstone. Why wouldn't they setup south of that road as to it appeared that when the illegals seen the check point they would high tail it on the Middlemarch road, ditch their vehicles and run into the desert. BTW this is what those three did when the BP went after them. Apparently one of them was in the back seat snoozing with shoes off and did not have time to put them on. Anyway I don't think I would take my young kids out there until it is safe. I may be over protective but I think it is for good reason.
LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-04 AT 10:41PM (MST)[p]Cazador, why do you think I would know the answer to something that happened several years ago? I was back in good 'ol Tejas when all this occurred.
I don't know why the checkpoint was put where it was. I'm sure there was reasoning behind the placement. I'm pretty sure they don't just "throw 'em up where ever looks good". Besides, that is not even my my station here in AZ. We don't even have a checkpoint at my station, so I can't comment on anything about that. And as far as the agent with his boots off snoozing, there are going to be lazy, good-for-nothing $hitbags in EVERY profession. Again, I can't do anything about that either. I know it wasn't me! Also, I can't give an answer about the aliens your uncle encountered. Again, the are good people crossing everyday, and there are honest to God $hitbags crossing out there every day. And about the alien's "audacity" to ask your uncle for his shoes, put yourself in that man's position. Would'nt you ask for some shoes if you'd been walking in the desert without footware for days on end and your feet were blistered and bleeding? I don't think that question was out of line, considering the circumstances. Granted, I would'nt have given him mine either, but I don't think they would have KILLED a man over his boots either. Thats just a bit far fetched for me. It always amazes me how scared the public is of a 5 foot Mexican just because he is an "alien". Come on, your uncle had a rifle!!! I can go out there and catch 30 all alone. Its all about your presence around them. Let them know who the boss is. Most are terrified anyways.
And about the BP doing something to make it safer out there for all of us, what the hell do you think I'm doing here in AZ? Do you think I wold leave TX voluntarily? Hell no! I was put here for a couple of years, along with about 3000 more agents over the last few years, because this is the hotspot crossing area right now. That happened because the BP has basically, effectively locked the border down in TX and Cali with a large number of agents. So, where do you think the pressure is going to release it's self? You got it, right here in Southern AZ. You put the sqeeze on both sides, it's got to come out somewhere.
It's not my fault that that senario happened to you and your family. So, with that said, don't go pointing fingers at me because,

1: It was a long time ago and I was not even in AZ and had nothing to do with it,and
2: If you have a problem with the illegal crossings, don't blame me or the BP. At least I'm out there trying to do some thing about it besides sitting on my ass, crying about it like an arm chair quarterback. If you want to help, don't point fingers at me or the BP, call your state reps and let them know how you feel.

With all that said, can we get back to talking big bucks? I hear enough of this crap all day everyday at work.
No need to get defensive! I don't think you read my post right... This has nothing to do with your and/or the BP's integrity. I stated that one of the illegals (not BP) did not have shoes and yes if I was not wearing any shoes I would probably ask someone who has for them. The point here is desperate people (no matter good or bad) do desperate things. Not all ("Mexicans", as you stated) that cross the border are 5' tall. You answered my question BTW and that is all I was asking for.
Cazador, not to try to turn the dissuccion with you into a racial thing, but people from the country of Mexico are called Mexican! We do people act like the term is a racial slur? It is basically a nationallity monicker. Just like I am from America, thus the phrase "American". Go figure...
Anybody that the BP arrests that is not Mexican is classified as an OTM- Other Than Mexican. We do catch alot of other nationalites also,Costa Ricans, Hondurans, Guatemalans, etc., but the vast majority of our arrests are Mexican citizens from the states of Chiapas, and Oaxaca. And yes, the majority of those from the states mentioned above are, on average, just a hair over 5 foot tall. I see them every day.
I did'nt mean to get defensive with your posts, so lets get on with it and finish this dissuccion right here. Remember, I just work for the BP. I don't control it.

Hey Scottyboy, could you shoot me an e-mail at [email protected] I live in 36A and I think I could help you out with a VERY highly populated area of illegals. Call BP 3 times and waited 30 minutes...they were already probably busy but maybe you could do something!

thanks Terence
Question for Scottyboy.
First I want to tell you that I have alot of respect for the BP. I spend alot of time in southern AZ and for the most part, I see the BP as a dedicated, hardworking bunch of patriots.
HOWEVER, with that said, I have an honest question for you. Let me explain. Over the last 2 years, I've run into alot of illegals in southern AZ. On one occasion, I was hunting Mearns an walked up on a fellow sleeping under a blanket. It was cold, and right or wrong, I felt sorry for the fellow and gave him my water. I don't think he was in any place to discuss the NAFTA policy. I saw him as a human being trying to make better for himself and his family. He had a child with him. My dog really scared him and I quickly realized that I had spent the night in a warm motel, while he was sleeping on the ground in freezing weather.
The 2 occasions I'd like to address with you were reported promptly to the BP. I'd glassed up on each occasion, 2 large groups traveling across the desert. On both occasions, I reported it to the BP. Both times, the response was, "we'll get them down the line". I had them in my binos, and could've easily pointed them out to the BP, but they never showed. They could've easily caught these parties, but they didn't seem concerned at all. I don't understand why they would not follow up on such an easy capture. Both parties were rather large, and carrying backpacks. I'm curious as to your thoughts. I'm not trying to put you on the defense, I would really like to know what I should do next time. Gary
Gary, I commend you for having compassion for your fellow man, illegal or not. Especially with a child in the group.
Noe to give you an answer to the question. It all comes down to man power out there. As I said before, there is ALWAYS going to be more of the general public out in the field at given time of day or night than BP Agents. That turns into way more eyes scanning the desert, which in turn turns into alot more groups of UDAs being found. We only have so many Agents out there at any given time. And, on top of that, if we have something going on at a particular moment, there may be even less out there! It is just a simple case of us being spread out too thin. Thats it.
If all of you out there want to read a really good article on the border problems of southern AZ, go pick up the Sept.20, 04 Time Magazine issue. There is a huge article on the BP, and the epidemic that is taking place out there in AZ. Good reads for sure.

On a side note, you say you were out there Mearn's hunting?? That just happens to be one of my favorite pastimes!HEHEHE
Got any secret honeyholes that ya'd like to share?? Comeon now, maybe just a few!! Maybe we'll se ya out there come Nov. Good luck this fall,
Thanks for the info.
As to Mearns, I thought the BP always had the best honey holes!
After last year, I don't think you'd want any info from me anyway. Hopefully, this year will be better. Good Hunting.

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