32, 34, 35 guide suggestions or info



When I put in for an antelope tag for my son he was supposed to start school the second week of Sept. We were notified a month ago that they will be starting school early next year, August 22 to be exact. As fate would have it he drew a 32, 34, 35 tag which starts Aug 27th which unfortunately is going to put a huge time constraint on us. Our hunt time is going to be limited the probably three days in a very large area. I'm thinking that a guide might be the best route with the amount of time we are going to have. Does anyone know a reputable guide service that hunts this area? Thanks
LAST EDITED ON Jun-15-05 AT 01:18PM (MST)[p]There are a lot of antelope in those areas. 3 days should be plenty of time to harvest a good buck. Just have him practice with the rifle. I'll PM you with some areas to start when I get home from work. Most likely you'll harvest one the first day.
I was going to say the same thing as COSA. If you live in San Jose it's a doable thing to drive there and hunt in three days. Do you have time to scout? The antelope are pretty well distributed in the area. I saw a ton of them, mostly does with babies but some bucks too, over Memorial day weekend up there.
BDH I think Tony Diebold and Sean Shea guide in there you may want to get ahold of them. 32 could be a real real fun unit. Good Luck on that Hunt.

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