$32,000 scouting toy!

That's what I'm talking about. Can you imagine peaking over the hill to see where that buck is bedded down at?

"That's a special feeling, Lloyd"
How will it Fare a 3/8" TSX?

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
I wondered how long it might be before this showed up as a hunting tool... A co-worker has one similar to this, only it didn't cost even close to $32k, and he's offered a few times to go up and "help" me scout for deer. As much as I would love to just sit at the bottom of the mountain and watch live video feed on the laptop I told him no thanks. Where do we draw the line? Maybe we could just hook a light weight .300 Ultra up to the sucker with cross hairs on the view finder and shoot the critter while the plan is up there. Now we know it's worth unloading the wheelers and breaking a trail to the top so we can go retrieve our buck!!!! Heck I don't know... I mean I do use a range finder and shoot a LOT farther than my dad or my grandpa ever did but like I said, where do we draw the line? Unfortunately with the capabilities these camera planes have I'm betting they will become VERY popular in the hunting community though... We'll probably have a new or revised law here in UT within the next couple of years preventing some people from using them and making other people become a lot more sneaky about it. That seems about par for the course, at least here in tardville anyway.

Sorry for the rant I just wish sometimes we could take a step back and lay off on some of these fancy gadgets and shortcuts. Something for nothing seems to be the mentality more and more lately. The easier things come the easier we expect them to be the next time. Then when something goes wrong and we have to actually work well some of us just lay down and wait for others to come pick us up and take care of us. I dont' know, maybe I'm just getting old but what happened to just earning your buck... I remember when my grandpa used to have me go around his entire yard and cut the edges of the grass with a little pair of sheers where the mower couldn't reach. It was not a small yard either, over 1/2 acre and almost all grass. I bet I did it 100 times over a 4 year period. When I had finally had enough and told him it took WAY too long and was a waste of time he showed me the electric trimmer he had still in the box down in the basement... We talked about why it was still there and in the end, we never did even take it out of the box. I think it was probably sold at a yard sale when he died. I wonder if it's still in the box today?

AMEN and +1000000 to nvrenuf.

It is a way cool toy, BUT where do we draw the line? I cant help but to think that all these gadgets we have are part of the problem of our struggling deer herd. They never have a chance or a break from the action.

Trail cams
Ultra light planes or what ever they are called
long rang rifles (over 500 yards)
long range Muzzleloaders (Over 150 yards)
Long range bows (over 50 yards)
and the list could go on.

I do have a few trail cams and I shoot my bow out to 100 yards and havent killed anything with my bow yet, but, the deer need a chance.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-11 AT 08:19AM (MST)[p]It's cool technology but something like this should fall into the "Can't hunt the same day you fly" law, that many states have and every state should have. Many states already have laws against using radios, etc. so maybe there are laws already on the books that limit or prohibit something like this, falling under game harassment.
I figured it would get a rise out of a few people when I threw in the word "scouting"!
IMO this would not be a good tool for scouting bc you could only fly it as far as you could see it. It would cost A LOT more to have streaming video on this thing (if even possible).

Some good uses for this cool little gadget:

Aerial video/photos of camp
Close range video
Spying on your hot neighbor tanning in the back yard....

I still don't think this is gonna help you find that 200 in buck
LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-11 AT 08:45AM (MST)[p]I remember back in the good old days when we had to go to the local airport, pay for a pilot and plane to go and fly the area. Ahhhh ... ya no I would proable rather do the same....today .haha
Ps.. Or go and buy a real plane for 32,000 and fly in it !
Isn't that a Mossback sticker on it?? Really though, I saw this on Empire Strikes Back last night, Han solo and Chewy were out looking for these and old Han blasted the thing, would be pretty fun, like trap on steroids!
you'll be able to get one for a couple hundred bucks in a couple years.

I'll tell you what will suck is when you fly it like 600 vertical feet up the mountain only to have it hit a little gust and it hits a tree and then you have to go try and find it.
Looks like good aerial target practice to me...fine tune your skills for the sporting clay range,,,
LAST EDITED ON Aug-07-11 AT 04:26PM (MST)[p]Hunting is getting ridiculous... what happened to the hard work involved in taking game? NvrEnuf hit the nail on the head, pretty soon you'll see a link to one of these with a gun attached you can control from your lazy boy...
I've just started paying people to bring the dead trophy animals to me! Hunting is too hard.
That's easier and cheaper to buy the trophys than buying all the latest gizzmos.


PS: I liked the "sporting clays" target idea that someone mentioned. "oops, there goes 32K" "sorry"

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