

LAST EDITED ON Jan-30-09 AT 09:01PM (MST)[p]SO - not taking into the few hundred or so that I lost when I took a break from MM for a while - this puts me at 3K posts! All it means is that I spend WAY too much time on here! But it also means I got here before Jenn did - which is what counts the most! (HA!!! STICK THAT IN YOUR PIPE AND SMOKE IT JENN!! ROY 3000 - TRIPLEK 2962!)

All legit posts too! Most of them sarcastic and funny - but some serious and one or two that might have been rude or offensive - I apologize for those, but thank you all for helping me make this happen. Especially those few high IQ yet still intellectually challenged individuals whose posts made me lash out at your idiocy. Yes - that does make me a bit of a sarcastic elitist, and while I don't think I am better than you by any means, I do realize that I have been given a gift I must use when I see a need for it!

Here's to at least another 7K more!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Nice post, thanks for sharing...lol


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
You Felt the earth shake because roy was on a train ride! please see his story in the campfire.

Congrats to 3 G and may your next 3 bring you Love, Joy, Peace, bitterness, hostility, Hate, and whatever else comes with MM!
"All legit posts too! Most of them sarcastic and funny"

Roy- Are you sure youre not stretching the truth just a bit here? Funny? Are you sure? I know funny and , well.......

Ok....I'll give you 5% funny!! Congrats on 3000 posts. I hope you've got at least 250 more in ya before you croak!!

Holy cow Roy great job !!! Thats fantastic !! How the heck are you so accomplished ?
Oh hooray for you, Roy. 3,000 "I'm deliberately being an a-hole" posts!! Rock ON! Get him a trophy, Founder. Lord knows he needs it since I've kicked his a&& his whole life at everything else.

;-) lol
See....posts 2996-3000 are bullcrap, posts, Roy. AND you KNEW I wasn't even home today. You are the biggest cheater ever.

I hate you.

Boys...this is when little sister gets scary. I'm mad and plotting and I'm gonna get sneaky. Roy knows it too. He also knows I ALWAYS win one way or another.
Hmmmm Im thinking a custom made computer chair seat thats nice and cushy for his large arse so he can rack up the posts while we're out hunting ? And get this, he's proud of it !! LMAO
Congrats Roy!I have to ask you this question:WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?Roy, you are the oldest brother.You are supposed to teach your little sister and to help her and watch out for her.Did for forget that she knows how to hunt and shoot?If I were you,I would be watching over my shoulders at all times!Jenn,please forgive him for he knows not what he done!Roy,I have 6 younger sisters so I know about (getting even) that goes along with little sisters!This write was all in fun but is the truth.I enjoy reading yours and Jenns comments on here.They reflect really how close you are with one another and its great.(ROD)
Congrats Roy!
Is 3000 posts like a 200 inch muley, or a 400 inch bull?
seems like that has stirred things a little in the other thread?

and Jenn, you know that you would have smoked him if you didn't spend so much time in Chatzy razzing the guys!! LOL..

And congrats to you on your upcoming 3000 also...
>Hmmmm Im thinking a custom made
>computer chair seat thats nice
>and cushy for his large
>arse so he can rack
>up the posts while we're
>out hunting ? And get
>this, he's proud of it
>!! LMAO

Again....sarcasm is lost on the idiots of the world.

Elkcrzy1...you're not even in the same LEAGUE, man. Why do you even try? You have this major crush on Roy and you continually try to insult him, but really, you just end up looking like an even bigger a&&hole each time (if that's even possible). What gives, huh?
good for you Roy!
some was just chased around the house from sisters that had butcher knives in there hands...some are are just shot at!!
some even had there greason formula slick down hair boy friends kick there ares... Dads? I won't even go in to the beatings for making her cry...run Roy run!
could be worst jenn could be 600lbs bed ridding and you have to bathe her and care for her yuck 5 gal bed pans............


Got that right, I hope Im never in his league. I dont like stooping that low myself triplek. Thanks for setting that straight though but I think most here already knew it.
Roy...congrats, you the man. Job well done and well deserved. Don't let a little sister intimidate you. They can be taken....LOL. Oh and...good luck.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
congrats roy/ thanks for sharing. if i was u ide stay out of utah for a while. lil sis is on the war path
Oh - she's just sore because I called her and woke her up from her nap! LOL

Thanks all!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
she was sore before the nap..(poor Kolby!).



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