3 Steiner Riflescopes Up For Grabs!!!!


Founder Since 1999
On October 2nd, Camera Land will be drawing names to give away 3 Steiner Predator Xtreme 2.5-10x42 Riflescopes. You can't WIN if your name isn't in the hat. Get it done!

Also, as I've said before, if you are ever looking to buy a riflescope, spotting scope, camera, binoculars, or anything of the sort, call Camera Land before buying elsewhere.
If you really don't like money, then just buy it from Camera Land and then mail me what you save. I accept amounts as small as $1.00, but I would expect most savings would be a bit more than that.
Seriously, it's worth the call. Tell them MonsterMuleys.com sent you.

OK, get your name in the hat to win goodies.........

Camera Land


Brian Latturner
LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-12 AT 12:27PM (MST)[p]Done

I bought my spotting scope from them and I wouldn't hesitate a second going back to them.
The drawing is tomorrow guys. Get your names in the hat!!!

AND also, I've been playing with the NEW Vortex Razor's.....sweet. If you decide to buy, call Doug at Camera Land.

Brian Latturner

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