3 More Ilegal Trails Blazed!



Well Boys!
Went on a couple decent hikes over the weekend!
Just since last year at this time I noticed 3 more Illegal ATV trails blazed up through flat assed closed territory by the Quad Queer Bitthces!

I have never hiked in to the one area without seeing some Elk until yesterday!

Just a few more good spots ####ed up by lowlifes!

As I've said many times:When it's to f'n late I expect the USFS & DWR to do something about it!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
I did get me one spark plug wire!:D

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
Same thing for me on the South Slope...new trail out on a ridge that always has elk. It's such an easy hike too! I'm getting tired of the lazy D-bags out there hunting! While I'm on a rant, PICK UP YOUR F-ING BEER CANS, POP CANS, AND CIGARETTE CARTONS!

Traditional only >>>------->
You boys need to start getting back off the roads...There's a lot of country you can't get a quad into if you're willing walk a bit....... Terry
While you bitzhing, I'll join in. I had a place in Franklin Idaho that I couldn't go into without seeing at least a decent four-point. I've pulled out five nice bucks out of that canyon including a B&C buck. Until some 4-wheeling fatazz, d-bag,cockmaulin' piece of chit went tearing up to the ridge on top. Now there's trails all around the top of the bowl and down every finger ridge going into the canyon. I haven't seen a four-point since.

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Hey Bess What do you know about a new road over there in the basin? I just head of a new road being cutt! 40 miles of road. I am not sure where you heard anything?

BBop, cut them a little slack, will you? It's probably archery hunters looking for their wounded elk.:)

Ouch that one stung. LOL

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Bopper, do you know for sure those trails were made by illegals? Did you follow them back to the border?


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