3 Days in the back country


Long Time Member
Tommorow three friends and I are skiing into one ot the huts in the 10th Mountain Division hut system. Just a short ski, 4 miles and 2100 elevation gain. We'll be staying two nights at the Peter Estin hut.

I'll be thinking of you as I carve some Telemark turns in the deep powder.


Go ahead and take a few days off. It's not exactly the peak of the bean harvest.:)

Watch for avalanches, and be sure to check in when you get back.

Awesome! Hope you have great weather. Enjoy, Fred!

I'm with Larry on this wording too Fred, what the hell is "hut"??

Whatever you are doing, have fun and watch out for Avalanches'


Jenn has got it nailed. The Hut system was establihed a long time ago to give back country skiers (back country skiers don't use ski areas but climb to the destinations and ski down, usually staying in one hut for a few days before moving on or going home) a place to sleep and eat witout having to camp in the snow (which I hate and won't do anymore). The hut's typically can sleep up to 16 people, since we have only three in our group we will be sharing the hut with one or probably more groups. We will be going in with full packs and heavy touring skis, plastic boots and cable bindings, the kind of stuff that allows you to climb and then ski down just about anythig safe. We also are carrying full winter survival gear so If by chance we can't make the hut we will be able to survive pretty comfortably. We use adhesive mohair 'skins' that attach to the ski bottoms to give you a lot of grip for climbing, better than snowshoes. We are a strong and experienced group and do not ski avalanche paths but we do carry avalanche beacons and small shovels just in case. You have to reserve space about six months in advance to get a spot in some of the nicer Huts like Peter Estin.

See you Wednesday eve.


Awesome! But CCCCCOLLD too! I love to X-country ski. I did it a lot in scouts. Even skiied in and spent one night on Grizzly Ridge with a future child molestor/murderer in an old miner's cabin that had lost most of the mortar between the logs and was full of mice. Yeah, we knew he was wierd then but really never saw the bad stuff coming. Probably should have. That was the coldest night of my life! Anyway - it is a great trip and a great exercise! You will have a ball I am sure. Enjoy!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
That sounds AWSOME. And COLD.

Roy, you and I need to make an agreement not to
kill folks, even though some need it. Sounds like we have.

Fred....Come back alive son....Me and Sparky wouldn't
make it without'cha.

I know I couldn't.

I dunno if that sounds too neat to me,
19 sweaty people in an airtight hut......

At least while hunting the tent lets in fresh air, plus you know most of the smelly people you have to put up with.
..........Bean, is this a warmup for that Buffalo Hunt? I see no other sane reason to subject yourself to such abuse! Have fun and stay safe.
hay....those sound cool may be a poker run on skid speeders

and shooters
Risk of Injury and Death............
however Its probably only a 5 min ride.. leaves's notten to do but drink and breed and some here have nuff larvae!

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