3- day Utah General Hunt



So now I hear that, not only is the rifle hunt only going to be five days, but the units that were five days last year are now three days!

SFW= Sportsman for (no rifle hunting of) Fish and Wildlife.

It is unbelievable that a sportsmans group is the one that pushed for this. If I didn't know better I would have thought it was an anti-hunting group that was doing the pushing.
Boy, now the youngest bucks will really get wiped out!
Maybe that's the idea? Most hunters will kill the 1st buck they see and it will let a few others survive.
Give it a few years and things just might be looking better! ;-)

Colorado had three day deer seasons back in the early 90's. The world didn't stop turning, and hunting actually greatly improved in a relatively short time.
It's hard to understand how a group that cators to a small group of hunters can be the mouthpiece for all hunters. If this proposal made any sense whatsoever I would give it a chance. The short seasons aren't making a difference. There has been data to show this. Maybe SFW is doing there own studies?
Please understand I can only speak for the small area I hunt in exclusively. But, I believe when they made the area a 5-day shortened season several years ago, it made HUGE improvements in the number and quality of bucks. Again, I'm speaking about a relativly small area. I was very disappointed when they brought back the nine day. Just my opinion.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-09 AT 05:41PM (MST)[p]hmm maybe it will work. Why did they cut the rifle season short on south slope vernal this year and next but leave extended archery open in that area? I love extended archery, Havent ever taken a buck during it, but closing it early on archery, muzz, and opening it late for rifle then opening it back up for extended archery seems weird to me.. (I'm only talking about south slope vernal).
Do you think some people might not hunt anymore? Say it's not worth spending the money and time for just a three day hunt when everyone and their dog will be hunting at the same time.
>Do you think some people might
> not hunt anymore? Say
>it's not worth spending the
>money and time for just
>a three day hunt when
>everyone and their dog will
>be hunting at the same

Excellent point Craig......
The 3 day hunt is for areas that have less than 15 bucks per hundred does. The Cache unit is one area. It maybe a compromise from not closing the unit a year. Youth can hunt all 3 seasons still. Let's see if it helps. No doubt it will save some bucks.
I have no problem with someone shooting a two point if that is what they will be happy with. Hunting is more than big racks.

Now with that said, I would like to see more big bucks and a higher buck to doe ratio after the hunt.

My proposal would be a 9 day hunt with the first 3-5 days being any buck and the the last 4-6 days being 4 point or better. I think that would give the guy that wants to shoot a small buck for meat a chance but nobody would feel pressures to fill their tag early because they can still hunt the second weekend but only for a 4 point of larger.
Wow Sounds pretty Bitter-Sweet to me Im not sure if I am for or against it. Yeah I think that something needs to be done but I do not know if this is the right thing to do or not.. If it were me I would Take all 3 days and give it all I got. It would be hard to go empty handed. I guess just see how it plays out.
Wow my minds all over the place with good and bad on this one. In the end makes me glad I switched to bowhunting...
Why didn't they reduce the archery and muzzleloader as well? I am an archery hunter and like my long season, but I feel if one group has to sacrifice time we should all sacrifice time.
My hunt days were drastically cut back the day I got married. Now the DWR is almost in check with the number of days I get to hunt.

--I'm looking for a man... who calls himself Bucho! That's all! And you had to do it, the hard way!--
I am with Slam on this one!!
I do not care how many days I get to hunt, because I "will" come home with meat!! It just seems to me that the DWR is increasing pressure to certain dumber/unknowing younger animals and that could be more catastrophic for our herds than the current system!! It has been proven that the five day hunt "DOES NOT" change kill percentages, it just relieves pressure for extended lengths of time!! But what does that matter if you rob from peter to pay paul!! They take every year from certain groups of hunters and give to others.
What they did this year in the central region was assanine, it took and threw 8000 some odd hunters into basically two areas.... the west desert, tintic, and the areas around strawberry west!!! What do they think that did to the deer herds up there until the wednesday that the rest of the unit opened!! I don't know,(it probably wasn't good) but this was ridiculous.

So if this is true, what does SFW hope to achieve by going to three day hunts!!!
If they want to bring back bigger and more bucks maybe they should try cutting tag numbers in half. especially on bad winter kill years.
They did, on these area with a 3 day rifle hunt the ML hunt is only 5 days instead of 9 and the archery hunt is 18 days instead of 29 days. Same season dates as 2009.

""SFW= Sportsman for (no rifle hunting of) Fish and Wildlife.""

LMAO for YEARS SFW has been accused of only cattering to rifle hunters, now with one decision that goes against rifle hunters they are compleatly out of line and HATE all rifle hunters, some of you guys are a bunch of boobs.

I have no problem with this proposal, and I think it will be good for the deer in the long term if they do it for long enough.

I think what concerns me the most about this change is the loss of opportunity. I think we MM guys and gals sometimes get caught up in thinking that how we hunt (I say that because it seems that most of are chasing the bigger bucks and bulls) is how most folks hunt. I have gone back and forth over the last few weeks with some of you on here and I'll be the first to admit I have learned a lot.
I guess I am worried that we may start losing more hunters as we reduce the amount of time they have to hunt. The hunter who can only take 2-3 days off a year to hunt is going to reap the consequences of these changes. Those of us who are blessed to be able to take more time (hunting and scouting) may not be affected as much. I stand as one of two hunters left in a group of 30+ guys that I started hunting with with I turned 14. That was only 15 years ago. They have all quit for one reason or another-but they quit. Some of you are probably thinking, "that's great, fewer hunters the better." Be careful what you ask for.
The problem lies in when we lose too many of our fellow hunters...then what do we do? No matter how you look at it, we are a dying breed. Our numbers shrink every year while those who are against us and those who are on the fence in regards to hunting increase in number. Like others have mentioned before, there used to be 250,000 rifle deer hunters in Utah alone. There are now only 97,000 plus the bow hunters. I know that doesn't make up for the other 153,000 hunters.
Some have mentioned that if rifle hunters want more opportunity then they should pick up a bow. Some have, but who are you to tell someone how they should hunt. Maybe they physically can't shoot a bow.Maybe they cannot afford to outfit themselves for bow hunting. There are so many unknowns.Who are we to take their only way of hunting away?
Now this will probably ruffle some feathers with the bow hunters, but know that I am one myself. In the end we are going to have changes. I only wish to offer a word of caution. Bowhunters (and no this does not mean all of you), be careful in how you treat the rifle hunters. They represent the majority of us and with that majority comes great strength. In the end, without the support of rifle hunters-we cannot win the battle.
In closing I don't have all of the answers, although somedays I think I do. I hope that we can all work together and focus on what really matters. To me, that is preserving our hunting heritage and conserving the wildlife that we purse. At the end of the day, if you are the last hunter standing, with thousands and thousands of acres to hunt by yourself......then we have lost. Where do we draw the line in helping the deer.....or helping ourselves? Why do we let the "loud" hunters make decisions for all of us. When are we "all" going to get involved? If all we do is complain to each other-where does that leave us?

Just some questions to ponder. I know I ponder them all of the time.
So the CWMU's in these areas still get 63 days to hunt with a rifle?? Hmmmm not quite fair im sure not all of the deer on there land stay on there land. Well altleast we can let the deer get bigger for them
I'm all for the 5 day hunt and 3 day, it will help. what I don't understand is why do the archery hunters get to hunt 28 days still? plus extended seasons? I hunted archery too, so I know how tough it can be, but why can't the archery hunt only be 21 days. that is a good compromise in my opinion.
Well said high_country_hunter. It is an issue I have pondered extensively as well. I am afraid our desire for trophy animals by cutting opportunity is cutting away at our hunter base- particularly beginning hunters. Making it so difficult to draw a tag can push beginning hunters away before they really get an opportunity to learn to love the sport.
"Most hunters will kill the 1st buck they see"

90% of rifle hunters do this already

"So CWMUs get 63 days to hunt in the same 3 day units?"

Most of the CWMU buck/doe ratios are much higher than the general units. They are managed seperatley.

I personally am all for these new dates. It will reduce a lot of pressure on areas that get slaughtered and over run with people. Namely "Monte" and some of the Cache units. I don't think it's a huge deal for hunters. A guy can always hunt Monte for three days and then head over to Box Elder county or Morgan county to finish up his hunt. I think it will be good for the herds and the land the live on. If you want a 2-point you shouldn't have a problem finding one in 3 days. If you want a big buck, I guess you better do some pre season scouting.
High Country

I am going to quote a couple of your statements that I feel need repeating. Excellent post.

"The hunter who can only take 2-3 days off a year to hunt is going to reap the consequences of these changes."

My brother falls into this category, it will be sad when this affects his deer hunt.

"Some have mentioned that if rifle hunters want more opportunity then they should pick up a bow. Some have, but who are you to tell someone how they should hunt."

I have hunted with a bow, rifle and ML. My personal prefrences have kept me hunting with a ML as my primary hunt for the last decade. Being a DH I still pick up a rifle every now and then but I have not bow hunted since 94'. I respect you bowhunters but it is not my thing and I don't want to see my opportunities decrease because I don't own a bow.

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>Youth hunters 17 and younger still
>get 9 days to hunt.

This is not true on the three day units. They will be limited to the three days just like everyone else.

Im all for it, Its about time the state does something becuase we all know they will NEVER cut tags. Like it or not, Mule Deer are the Cash Cow for Utah, and very rarely is the best interest of the herd in the minds of our biologists.

I wonder if Elk were not meeting the Bull/cow ratio what we would do??? (retorical question)
>Youth hunters 17 and younger still
>get 9 days to hunt.
yes they still get 9 days but they hunt with there parents that
only get 3 days so most will only hunt three days with dad

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