2B camping


Active Member
Hello everyone

Was wondering if anyone would share some
Insight on camping in 2b on the nov rifle hunt. We’re gonna set up a wall tent but plan on being away from camp most the day. Are there any areas you would avoid?

Anything near a well will obviously be traveled at some point.

I know the hunts been poopoo’d but I’m looking forward to spending some time behind the glass with my dad while he still can. If we can kill a mature animal it will be icing on the cake in my book. The place has genetics so there has to be one good one left somewhere 😂.

Camp anywhere you'd like on BLM or NF, not really any places to avoid IMO. Lots of traffic on the week days basically everywhere. Resident deer numbers are in the dump, it's disgusting. Sure there's bucks around and maybe even something special but few and far between and without some serious scouting goodluck, hunt the north end of the unit and you'll be alright. Lots of people elbow it out and get off the road and killing a mature buck is doable on the late adult hunt. Glass glass glass
Thanks HD! Appreciate it . Not expecting a cake walk but excited to have the opportunity to go have the chance to dig one up.

New Mexico Guides & Outfitters

H & A Outfitters

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505 Outfitters

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Sierra Blanca Outfitters

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Urge 2 Hunt

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Mangas Outfitters

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