2A Hilarity


Long Time Member
Who woulda thunk "pro-gun" people would be cheering the conviction of somebody owning a gun, when there no evidence or claim that a crime was ever committed with it... while simultaneously endorsing the guy who broke the law to unconstitutionally ban guns.
Who woulda thunk "pro-gun" people would be cheering the conviction of somebody owning a gun, when there no evidence or claim that a crime was ever committed with it... while simultaneously endorsing the guy who broke the law to unconstitutionally ban guns.
Hmmm, aren’t pro-gun people always asking for current gun laws to be enforced instead of trying to pass new laws? Are you saying lying on a 4473 is not against the law?

Nice troll.

Since you’re such a big fan of following the law let’s prosecute the Biden’s for money laundering, not registering as a foreign agent, election interference, etc.. I’m sure you’re ok with that and we can prosecute them in Wyoming so it’s a court and jury of their peers.
Who woulda thunk "pro-gun" people would be cheering the conviction of somebody owning a gun, when there no evidence or claim that a crime was ever committed with it... while simultaneously endorsing the guy who broke the law to unconstitutionally ban guns.

I'm pro gun.

I'm cheering Hunter Biden challenging a control law on constitutional grounds.

The legacy of Biden, could be massive overturning of gun laws based on the constitution. How fitting.
As much as I despise this guy……this “is” how it’s done…….except….if we still had original congress rules…it would start in the House

As much as I despise this guy……this “is” how it’s done…….except….if we still had original congress rules…it would start in the House

If Chuck U Schumer is trying to protect us, why is he calling for a unanimous vote when he has majority in the Senate? Or is he just trying to embarrass Republicans and score points? That's it!

"Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) didn’t respond by press time to a request by The Epoch Times for comment." Well, of course not.
Some here would argue that there was no crime because there were "no victims." But I am happy to see Hunter indicted, tried, and found guilty. Obey the law--even when it does not work to your advantage. Support the blue. Love America and her institutions. No excuses.
Some here would argue that there was no crime because there were "no victims." But I am happy to see Hunter indicted, tried, and found guilty. Obey the law--even when it does not work to your advantage. Support the blue. Love America and her institutions. No excuses.
You are the problem when you blindly support corrupted institutions….
You are the problem when you blindly support corrupted institutions….

Nonsense. America's greatest strength as always been its political institutions--our people are not as exceptional as they would like to believe. Our legislative function, electoral processes, courts and law enforcement, and administration are all damaged, but they are not broken. It is worth remembering that they have never been perfect, but are self-correcting so long as the people remain receptive to democratic principles. Those who place blind faith in any man who pretends (without providing even a shred of evidence) that he might improve these institutions by destroying them ignore every lesson of history. And the suggestion that their Messiah might possess the wisdom and ability exceeding even that of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Jay, Franklin, and every American hero since--including those who died to protect their work--would be laughable if it weren't also tragic.
Nonsense. America's greatest strength as always been its political institutions--our people are not as exceptional as they would like to believe. Our legislative function, electoral processes, courts and law enforcement, and administration are all damaged, but they are not broken. It is worth remembering that they have never been perfect, but are self-correcting so long as the people remain receptive to democratic principles. Those who place blind faith in any man who pretends (without providing even a shred of evidence) that he might improve these institutions by destroying them ignore every lesson of history. And the suggestion that their Messiah might possess the wisdom and ability exceeding even that of Washington, Jefferson, Madison, Jay, Franklin, and every American hero since--including those who died to protect their work--would be laughable if it weren't also tragic.

Point to the place in either the constitution or bill of rights that establishes the FBI or ATF.

I'll wait.
Nonsense. America's greatest strength as always been its political institutions--our people are not as exceptional as they would like to believe. Our legislative function, electoral processes, courts and law enforcement, and administration are all damaged, but they are not broken.
Okay. You say that because you're a big government guy and everything is going your way. Very un-American, by the way.

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