264 winchester magnum


whata (Guest)

What do you guys think about this caliber? I seen a couple guys take some nice bulls with it but I cant find too much info on this caliber.
Theres not much info. As far as i know , theres only 2 factory loads out there. The remington loads do well with my mod 70 win. Did good on deer and elk, but some bullet fragment at closer ranges on deer.
Duplicates a 270, except it uses a 26" barrel, a lot more powder, significant more recoil and more muzzle blast. Uses the same case as a 7mmRmag, 338Wmag and 300Wmag, just necked down.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
I just killed a cow elk with my friends 264wm cow was 100yds away and did the trick it sure does make a lot of noise I would be interested in buying one for my self but he handloads his own ammo says its the best way in achiving maxium for this caliber.
I love this caliber I started shooting this caliber about 5 years ago and just love it I feel it one of those caliber that you either love it our hate it. I killed my first Antelope with it this year shot one at 370yds. curently hunting for Cow Elk in unit 82. With this caliber its better to handload you get better potential out of it because remington is the only one that loads this round and its ok but I load 140gr interlocks ahead of 60.5 grains of MAG-PRO and it sure nailes the coffin on anything from Antelpoe to Elk. so enjoy
It's a great cartridge, just a slight step down from the 7mm Rem. Mag. Just be sure you've got at least a 26 inch barrel, otherwise you might as well be shooting a 270. Also as others have said, you really need to handload for the 264 also, as there aren't many factory loads available, and what there is, is expensive. Really you'd probably be better off with the 7 Mag. just because of the availability of factory ammo, unless you just like having something different than everybody else, which isn't a bad thing either. Let us know what you decide.
The rifle I inherited is a model 70 it has a 26" barrel I will be looking forward too shooting it this upcoming hunting season thanks for the info guys.
The 264wm is a very good rifle I do agree with the rest you have too hanload to get the full potential. I have been using this caliber for 20 years and have never had a problem of course I not going to shoot Elk at 600yds like you hear other people say. but I feel comfortable out too 350yds with my 264wm to take an Elk. enjoy your rifle and if you want to sell it let me know
I been using the 264wm since 1961. I hunted Antelope, Mule Deer, Whitetails, and Elk sure does wonders.
I agree the 264wm is a excellent rifle its only drawback is that you have too handload. I dont see why they make a big deal over the 260 remington when the 264wm out class it. I would like to see a 264wsm that would be interesting
The .264 win mag is a good caliber that never really caught on here. I don't think it recoils bad at all, unless you have a poor-fitting rifle. The .264(6.5) has great ballistics. I shoot a .264 ultra mag (wildcat) and it's a screamer. I would definetely hand-load as others have said here. Use premium bullets and have fun.
The 264 winchester magnum is one flat shooting hard hitting caliber. I would agree that you need to reload for the caliber unless you have alot of money for bullets. Ballistics on this gun are very similiar to the 270 weatherby mag. The theory behind these calibers are alot more powder behind the bullet creates ultimate velocity. Slower burning powders such as Reloder 22 work the best in these magnum cartridges. I also like 120 or 140 boat-tailed bullets. I prefer the 140's for elk and the 120's for deer. Another thing I would do is invest in a high quality rifle scope if it doesn't already have one because the gun is very good at extremely long ranges.
myself I use 140gr Interlocks ahead of 65 grains of MAG-PRO does wonders on Elk. I tried to use 125gr Nosler partitions but could not get good groups. 129gr S.S.T are very accurate and deadly on Mule Deer.
the 264 Winchester Magnum is an excellent round. everyone who has shot one can attest to it. but you do need to handload. it is a very capable load especially with the 125 grain nosler partition here is a website that will give you some info on the caliber
hope this help out
With my .264 ultra I'm averaging 3,625fps over my chronograph with a 120 xlc barnes and I could probably milk another 100fps out of it if I tried. That's in a 29" barrel encore. Which is still a shorter oal gun length than a 26" bolt gun. Very little recoil and it doesn't have the loud bang of most 264 winchesters because of the powder getting a more complete burn in that longer barrel. This has got to be the perfect extreme range antelope/deer caliber and that's what I had in mind. Mind you the initial cost is a lot more. $200.00 for custom redding dies, but it's easy to load for and I just neck down 7mm ultra mag brass. It's definetely worth it. I'll probably play around with a 100 grain solid for coyotes it should come close to 3,900.
man that is sweet 3,625fps that would put major hurt on Elk. I have a ruger M-77 with a 24" barrel that after this season I'm putting a 26" barrel or maybe 27" barrel so I can get more out of it. my 264wm does make alot of noise its like you said probably not burning all the powder. that 6.5 ultra sure sounds sweet.
That longer barrel will help. That was one reason the 264 winchester didn't catch on. It got a really bad rap for being a barrel burner. It's no worse than any other over bore cartridge. so what? Barrels are easily replaced. Most people don't shoot that much anyways.
The 264 winchester Magnum got a bad rap for being a barrel burner. the 6.5mm bullet has gotten nowhere in the U.S remington came out with the 260. The 264wm will take antelope , Mule deer, And Elk the best round is the 140ge but I had sucess with the 129gr too.

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