.257 for lopes



I want a .25 caliber gun

I really like the .25-06. My brother and best friend both have them in mauser actions. I love it but feel like doing something different what do you guys think of the .257 roberts and the .257 weatherby. I think its a good choice and would work awesome on my prefered quarry, namely antelope.

Just dont tell my old lady that I can kill them just fine with any of my other guns!

oh and for you guys saying that the .30-06 is the best all around round for everything I would beg to differ and say that the 7 rem mag is the best for anything from antelope to elk, but thats just me talkin'!!!

thanks guys,

I've take a couple antelope with the 257 Roberts w/ 117 gr handloads. The factory loads don't do the Roberts any justice. However, it cannot touch the Weatherby ballistically. Jason
Got to thinking about the 1/4 inchers ... you may want to check out the 25 wssm, winchesters new one. Ballistically, I think it's in there with the 25.06. Jason
I run an hunting business and antelope hunting is really my branch of the company. I have seen all type of weapons used from .223 to .30/378. I must say that one of the calibers that has caught my eye is the .257 Weatherby. I had a repeat client take an awesome buck, 87 inches at 423 yards in 2004. I will never get that shot out of my mind. It was absolutely the most awesome shot I have ever witnessed and it was executed with flawless precision. I'm a pre 64 .270 fan. However, I must say, that I would have passed on that range with baby. That buck would have lived another day had that .257 WM not roared. Today, I very much appreciated he adorns the dead animals on my web site. There's my 2 cents.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-20-05 AT 11:15PM (MST)[p]my brother took on last year with a 300 ultra mag. It wasnt by choice his .243 just seemd to be off, so thankfully he had that one with him,

I have inspected the ballistics on that new .25 wssm but refuse to buy into the short magnum craze. I think it might be a great round but not interested.


I have used the .257 wby mag for 5 years now and totally love the caliber. Shot muleys, antelope & coues with it at long range and short range and love the performance............ Thanks, Allen Taylor......
Might be hard to find a 257 Roberts in a production rifle these days so if you are going for a custom chambering with handloads look at the 257 Roberts Ackley Improved. Very nearly duplicates the 25-06 and it's just different enough to be interesting. Fire form the brass from Roberts factory ammo.
ruger makes a .257 roberts

I did buy a .25-06

Plus I have a .257 weatherby lined up, so I may have both

I shoot a 25-06 for deer, but my dad loves his 257 roberts. I doubt the antelope will notice a difference.
By the way, I will second your 7mm comment!
.257 Ackley sure puts down west texas whitetails. They are about the same size as antelope. My wife and daughter swear by their mod 70 featherweight in .257 Ackley. Quarter bores are great for smaller "big game".

Phantom Hunter
I have a pre-64 winchester M70 .257 roberts that I use for lopers. It has worked pretty good for me.
I love the 257 wby mag. I load 115 gr barnes x bullets and the are awesome. I hunt speed goats as well as deer with this set up.

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