25 Reasons Why Hunting Is Conservation !

I'm thinking Tristate is going to have something to say about that.

[font color="blue"]I don't make the soup,I just stir it.[/font]
It is great propaganda based on very poor logic and poorly written and presented. But its good arguments for the run of the mill American and I like it.

Specifically some hunting is conservation and some is not. Luckily most of our hunters are conservationists too.

You have to remember guys "hunting" didn't get invented in 1900.
I read this, and TRI response, then I left the room, went upstairs, did some chores, then came back. Holy crap, I read it again and TRI ACTUALLy made sense. Gawd what does that say about me?. He is right, hunters are conservationist, but not all hunting is conservation. Lets be honest, we keep predator numbers low, and push up numbers of prey, because we want to hunt them. Modern game managment isn't fully about conservation, its about having a population in greater numbers of animals we like to hunt. Its good PR to for the masses, but I beive in honesty, and honestly, what we do is not about conservation in and of itself.

Ever wonder what it feels like to be a tweaker? Shakes, fast heart rate, eyes bugging out, picking at your skin. Thats how it feels to agree with TRI.

"The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun"

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