21 Dead Desert Bighorn



What a shame. News reports speculate it could be lighting.

"The Nevada Department of Wildlife, NDOW, is investigating the deaths of 21 desert bighorn sheep that were discovered by ATV riders Sunday near a water development in the McCullough Range south of Las Vegas.

Rob Buonamici, chief of law enforcement for NDOW, said officers found no obvious signs of trauma in the animals, nor indications that they had been shot. "We will not speculate on what may have caused the deaths," Buonamici said. "We have taken samples and we're testing both the sheep and the water to determine the cause of death."

NDOW is working closely with the State Veterinarian?s Office and the University of California, Davis, School of Veterinary Medicine to handle samples.

When found, 18 of the sheep were in close proximity to the water source, along with three quail that were affected as well. The other three sheep were located a short distance away. Water developments, commonly called "guzzlers," collect and store rain water for year-round use by animals."
What a shame. Thats got to hurt the population. A few years back a lady at work showed me a picture of her grandfather standing in front of what looked like 75-100 dead antelope that were beleived to have been hit by lightning as well.

Argh! Draw what amounts to a once in a lifetime tag and then have this happen in my hunt area. Hope it was lightning and not disease, bad water, etc.
Still plenty of sheep in there honker. I don't have to tell you that you have one of the best desert tags in the U.S.!!!!!!!!!!!

Kill yourself a big old nut-draggin' stud of a ram!
11 rams, 6 ewes, 5 lambs dead ~ total of 22
NDOW waiting to hear back on the samples taken.
Still crossing my fingers that whatever happened is isolated and/or contained.
And ya, I am freakin stoked to be holding a sheep tag this yr!
hell, that's nothin'. here in Az. we let developers haul in pinkeyed goats and infect an entire mountain range with the last totally native herd of desert sheep left in the state. and after several dozen die off, we get to pay for getting rid of the goats and the developer skates. actually, what happened in Nevada is a tragedy. sheep seem to have a hard time of it no matter what.

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