2024 Hunt Adventures


Active Member
I’m starting to get more and more excited for the upcoming hunting season! My family and I have some unexpected really good hunts coming this season! We’ll start off in a couple weeks chasing bears, my Dad drew the same tag I had last year! Then for the fall we have our dedicated deer tags here in Utah. I also got lucky and drew a November New Mexico deer tag! I have a cousin that pulled a Utah elk tag so hopefully I’ll get to tag along for a few days on that hunt! I wish you all the best of luck this upcoming season! I’ll start posting photos once I make it out on some trips.
Made it out for a quick overnight this past weekend to throw bait for my dad’s bear hunt! We got two sites set up and ready to go! Helpfully bears will be hitting the bait before too long.



My dad got it done over the weekend on this great boar! He came into the stand at about 8:00 and he made a couple great shots and the bear didn’t make it very far! My sister and brother in laws and myself hiked in to help him pack it out! Super fun hunt! Congrats Dad!




I’ve done a terrible job of updating my hunt adventures this year. The fall season started out quite slow for me. I went out for the opening weekend of the archery deer hunt but there was people everywhere with few deer sightings.
After opening weekend I switched gears. My wife and I recently purchased some mountain property that also happens to reside in a general season elk unit. We hauled our trailer down and have spent the last 3 weekends camping and enjoying the property! Our dog Luna had also been enjoying the new property.


We spent the evenings driving around and checking out the area. I finally decided this past weekend I would go hunting for elk. I found a canyon on Google earth that looked pretty good so I woke up early Saturday to check out this canyon.
I parked my truck at the top of the canyon and started getting my gear together. I threw out a bugle just for fun but immediately received a response from the bottom of the canyon. I wasted no time and started working into the canyon. I made it to the bottom where the bull hung up at about 100 yards. I couldn’t get him to commit all the way.


This bull began to work off just as I heard another bull bugling further down the canyon, I began working my way towards this new bull. I got into some thick timber and could hear the bull above me. He started working down towards me and I had one small opening where if he walked I would have a good shot.

Sure enough he began working down the trail I had hoped he would. I drew my bow but he stopped behind some trees, I held my bow for about 30 seconds and he took the one more step I needed. I guessed him at 20 yards but it ended up being 25. It didn’t matter though as my arrow hit right where I was aiming. I found first blood and knew the bull was dead on his feet.


I marked the spot and quickly hiked out to camp to let my wife know I would be gone for the day packing out the bull. I also let my dad and step dad Tim know I had killed a bull and they headed to the mountain to help me pack him out.

I returned to the spot with Luna that I had marked and began tracking the bull, there was a good blood trail that was easy to follow. 200 yards later we found the bull!



I took a few photos and began quartering the bull. Tim showed up just as I was finishing skinning out the bull. We loaded our packs and hauled the first load out. We dove back in for the second and final load, my dad showed up just in time to carry my bow and the head for the final stretch.


We got the meat back to camp and hanging just as an afternoon thunderstorm rolled in.


All in all it was a great morning of hunting, and I was finally able to arrow my first archery bull!
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