2015 Pronghorn


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-15 AT 10:03AM (MST)[p]Well my season lasted a total of 1.5 hours. He was too big to pass up. I am very happy with him. Wish I could of taken better photos however I was by myself and only had a pocket camera. I need a small tripod.

Well I got to the area the afternoon before the season. Set up my trailer and took a look around. I found a different waterhole that had 11 buck antelope at it. I thought maybe I should move my blind to this new place. I decided to leave my blind at the waterhole I set my stand at a month earlier. My wife and I a month earlier saw a tall buck in the area and new he would score pretty good. There were quite a few other bucks and does in the area so I figured we should have plenty to pick from. Opening morning I set my alarm for 5:30 am. However I didn't get up till 6:00am. It was light enough to see and there was a buck antelope 30 yards from my trailer door just standing there. I thought to myself this is going to get good. I drove over to the area where my blind was set up and walked in. I sat for a half hour or so and 5 does and fawns came to water. About an hour later I noticed that tall buck on top of the ridge just above me. He started to make the trip down to the water. At one point he was coming straight to my blind and thought to myself this is going to be great. Well he veered off and went to the far side of the waterhole and gave me a quartering to me shot at 47 yards. Caught him right in the front should and went right into his lungs. He went about 30 yards and collapsed. When I got out of the blind I thought I would have to track him but I could see him from the blind. Unfortunately this is the same antelope that my wife told me to save for her. You see she had to go out of town for a week and miss the opener. I told her that I would just shoot the first buck that came in and let her get the tall buck. When I told her I got the tall one she was not happy. You know what they say happy wife happy life. Well now onto elk and deer.
Onto elk and deer? You better find the mrs. a better goat! :D Congrats again, and thanx for the pics and story!

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Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

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