2013 Wasatch Moose Hunt



I was wondering if anyone could give me some insight on finding a good sized moose.


Yes, get a forest service map and start hitting it hard next month. Moose are huge so you'll want to be close to a road maybe a mile or less for packing purposes. Large area, lots of places to look for moose. Your 1 post hurts you though...no real free lunches on this site unless the other guys see you helping out others. Every year we get new members like you that their first post is I've drawn this great tag, help please. Sometimes we give help, but after that the person disappears never posts how their hunt went or posts pics. Search the forums, call the biologist for your area, look at your maps, go look at the real estate and then give us specific questions so we can help. That way we know you did your homework first. That's how this site works. Good tag to have, quality is down a little, but good luck on getting a nice one.
Sad thing is,
5+ years ago this was a pretty easy hunt.

Even for a NICE bull!

NOT anymore, defantly much tougher these days.

Been spending a lot of time up there this year looking for elk. Haven't seen any moose yet, but I'll keep my eyes open and keep in touch.
I haven't seen any Moose in the Strawberry area yet during my scouting this year, but I see Moose quite consistently behind my house in Wasatch Mountain State park. As for a good bull, I'm no help there.
For scouting purposes I would go up left fork hobble creek past the private and take the road, that road will take you into some good territory. I have seen nice moose in there by the way.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-11-13 AT 10:26AM (MST)[p]The best bull I've seen in 3 or 4 years was up by Current creek res but he still wasn't a really big bull.
As others haver pointed out, it's certainly a different (tougher) hunt than it once was.
I hunted the Wasatch every day during the LE elk hunt last year and only saw 1 mediocre bull.

Here's the bull I saw last elk season.
I'm sitting on 18 points after not drawing this year hope I draw before it gets really bad. +1 on looking up Hobblecreek area.
LAST EDITED ON Jul-16-13 AT 09:53AM (MST)[p]Here are a few video clips from my brother's hunt in 2011. If you spend some time hiking and glassing, plus doing your homework, you should have a great hunt and a once in a lifetime experience!! Congrats on your tag and good luck!!

My best advice would be don't get discouraged when scouting early. The moose don't move much during the hot months and I didn't really start seeing them until late August. Also you can't scout too much, the Wasatch unit is a huge unit with a lot of good country. Find water, if there's no water, there's no moose. Good luck.
Is the hike up to Timpanogas in your unit? I hiked up there 4 years ago and saw 2 decent bulls right off the main trail. Things can change though. Plus, you might have some angry granolas when you shoot their pet moose.
Yes, the Timp area is in his unit and this is historically a great place to find moose. We usually see some moose on our way back down. (it's dark when we head up the trail)
There will be a bunch of BYZoo-wannabe-granola-types but you can't let them ruin a great moose hunt. You might even find a couple who will help pack meat for you. It never hurts to ask!
Also make sure there's water in the area. If there's no water, there's no moose.
Saw a pretty nice one on the back side of Cascade Mountain near the big springs area...there are always a few moose in that area.

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