2013 Proposed Wolf Quota

I agree with you.
I still think the quota should stay at 52 but I see why they're running a little consrevative (scared).
They should error on the side of killing too many but I see why they didn't.... but I don't make the rules.
No way you want to err by killing too many with the relisting possibility looming if things don't go properly the next few years.
Does Idaho and Montana go thru this circle jerk every year?

If Wyo is soooo over ran with Wolves??? why are the harvest stats so minimal?

Yeh--it is confusing----

Thanks once again m-h for the info.

Yep Robb! Each state that gains control after they are delisted has to jump through hoops every year to show the Feds they have the proper measures in place to insure that numbers don't drop below what was agreed upon. There will be a lot more killed in the Predator Zone in Wyoming the way the agreement was set up than in the Trophy Zone where the numbers killed will be pretty small compared to Montana and Idaho since those two states have a lot more of them.
Thanks Mike.

Makes sense now.

It gets confusing trying to keep up with all the this-n-that from each wolf hunting state.

Undoubtedly placating the anti's is part of this. 165 wolves total????? I saw 5 while hunting bison in the refuge in January. There were 22 wolves counted that day alone NE of Jackson, via helicopter! IMO there are a hell of alot more than 165, but better safe than sorry.
In suggesting a reduction in the trophy zone quota we have to remember what transpired in NW Wyoming during the wolf hunt in that zone. Numerous high profile YNP collared wolves were killed in the trophy zone when they left the confines of the park. These wolves, from the various packs in YNP, may well be the least wary of the wolves in Wyoming. They may have more interaction with humans including tourists, biologists and wildlife photographers. Montana briefly cancelled hunts in some areas surrounding YNP because of these high profile kills.

I sincerely hope that the Wyoming G&F is making an effort to determine actual wolf numbers in the trophy zone. I am suspicious of the numbers they are citing. I would hate to think that they are doing this to placate the eco-elites who "howled" the loudest when their favorite wolves(most photographed and studied)were lawfully harvested outside the park. With the addition of Elk Area 55 this year, Elk Areas 50,51,52,53,55 have all recently gone limited quota. I guess the 2.2 million acres in YNP isn't enough for the wolves. Is the reduction in the quota an attempt to create a buffer zone around YNP. If so, anticipate a quota cut in Wolf Areas 1-4.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-13 AT 09:39AM (MST)[p]Freakin Lee Livingston is such a 2 faced sucker. Im so glad I didn't vote for him in this last election we had. One day he says we need more tags then says different. I don't understand why he would say that.

Tim Metzler is my neighbor and he is spot on.

I know they need more wolves shot but at least keep the 52 tags this season.

This just really frustrates me.

The number 165 is way off. All the trails I have been up and all the wolves I have seen could match their number easy. I just hope they can get a better counting system.

I want to see our moose population come back and elk numbers.
WYG&F is doing the right thing here...no question.

They're basing harvest quotas from the best available data they have, which is not only smart, but prudent.

I tend not to think just because I find some wolf tracks and even see a few wolves, that the populations must be much higher.

I also believe that in the first few years of wolf management, its smarter to error on the side of killig too few than risk killing too many and have control given back to the Feds.

Its even more important to proceed with safer quotas when there is pending lawsuits regarding Wyomings wolf management plan and associated hunting season.

The alternative that some on here are trumpeting, high quotas and kill 'em all, will result in nothing but relisting and state control and wolf hunting never happening again.

The WYG&F is handling the wolf seasons and harvest quotas well.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-13 AT 11:03AM (MST)[p]I think the key thing they may be missing here is the number that is being shot in the Predator Zone. IMHO if that number continues to stay where it is or rises, I would think that would indicate there are more in the Trophy Zone than they are saying, causing younger ones to establish packs further outside that control area. As BuzzH and I have both mentioned, it's better to err on the low side with the lawsuits and just getting control than to risk any possibility of going below the agreed upon numbers and having them relisted. I believe it was stated that they have collars on what they figure is 25% of the population. That sounds awful high to me and makes me believe there are probably a lot more than they claim, just like the number of grizzlies that will be the next big argument.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-19-13 AT 11:22AM (MST)[p]Tis better to err on the side of lower quota for POLITICAL reasons but tis better to err on the side of "kill 'em all" if you like to hunt big game in the units aroung Yellowstone!

Unfortunately the politics will trump sound big game management for ungulate populations.

>AT 11:22?AM (MST)

>Tis better to err on the
>side of lower quota for
>POLITICAL reasons but tis better
>to err on the side
>of "kill 'em all" if
>you like to hunt big
>game in the units aroung
>Unfortunately the politics will trump sound
>big game management for ungulate

***You said a mouthful there pardner and you certainly speaketh the truth!!!

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