2013 big game proposals on-line

Thanks again Tom for the reminder.

Looks like they are starting to tighten the noose in 39 on doe/cow tags, maybe not enough based on their own admission of herd trend.
Thanks for the information Tom.

A couple things. Many have been calling for a massive cut in the 39 doe tags for a few years now. I think 300-350 would be ample, 200 is not quite enough. I DON'T think that they need to cut 500 as some of the extremists say.

I think the proposed cut on cow tags is reasonable and I like the 3 options to do so.

I DISAGREE with opening the General Deer season 5 days earlier, UNLESS they close it October 26th. I don't see the need to increase the harvest of bucks if they are trying to increase the number of does. Someone please enlighten me.

I think that the carrying capacity of unit 39 is a little bit higher than many think and that F&G is catching up to the curve. It is a MASSIVE unit.
Unit 39 is a big enough area that it could be split up into smaller zones so it could be managed differently.
I don't want to start a huge argument regarding the 5 October opening date. But I can provide some information/rationale. All may not apply everywhere.

In general, it's important to think a little outside the box and look at real data. The harvest data tends to show we will actually see slightly lower harvest with the early opener. I'll get back to that.

In 2005 the deer opener was moved from Oct 5 to Oct 10. In some areas (Salmon Region, and I believe Upper Snake and other areas), that change included extending the season to the end of October. Relatively high harvest that year prompted shortening the season from the end, for example to Oct 24. So in Salmon Region we ended up with a 15-day season (10-24 Oct), instead of the previous 18-day season (5-22 Oct). Returning to the Oct 5 opener would allow hunting of some higher elevation areas where deer tend to migrate out early and provide a few more days for people to be in the field.

Back to the data. As part of a larger analysis, we asked a university professor to look at effects of several aspects of season length and timing on harvest. There is a fair amount of variability, but the general trend was that past buck harvest was lower when seasons opened earlier. Harvest also tends to increase with length of season, but the effect is quite a bit smaller than that of opening date. I could provide some specific examples where harvest increased in 2005 even though the season was shortened from 5-31 Oct to 10-31 Oct, but what's probably more important is the large-scale, long-term data set that shows these relationships. Will it mean every Oct 5 opener will have less harvest than every Oct 10 opener? Absolutely not. Will the strength of the relationship vary based on different areas, weather conditions, and all the other variations that occur? Certainly. Is it likely that the trend of somewhat lower harvest with an Oct 5 opener will fall in line with average, long-term, patterns of past harvest? Yes.

Here are a couple conclusions from the report "If a management goal is to increase harvest levels of deer, managers might
recommend starting deer seasons later,... In
general, starting hunting seasons later in the fall appeared to have a greater effect on [increased] harvest and
hunter success than did longer season lengths."

So, the reasoning is if we can provide a little more time for hunters to be afield and typically expect similar or even reduced harvest, perhaps reduce hunter congestion, is that something hunters would like to see. If hunters clearly don't think it's an appropriate thing to do, then it likely won't make it through the season setting process.

Tom Keegan
IDFG Salmon Region Wildlife Manager
Alright, thanks for expanding on the topic and clearing things up Tom. I really appreciate it.

Reducing hunter congestion during the season is a good thing.
Thanks for the updated Tom.
Here is my opinion based on my observation of hunting the SE and Upper Snake regions over the years. Moving the opener to October 5th and extending the season by 5 days will not increase the number of bucks killed and may actually decrease the number of bucks killed. Extending the season by 5 days doesn't significantly increase the number of days hunters spend hunting deer, it just spreads out the hunting pressure.
Maple trees that are common in some areas of Southern Idaho deer habitat often loose leaves between October 5th and October 10th. The increased cover provided to bucks by these leaves on October 5th vs October 10th can be significant some years. I did find it easier to hunt bucks opening morning on October 10th vs October 5th in areas that had a lot of maple trees. In my opinion, opening day and late October are the two times mature mule deer bucks are most vulnerable during the Idaho general season.
Very much support moving the general deer opener back to the 5th of Oct. For many of the reasons already stated. But one of my biggest gripes with the Oct 10th opener is it conflicts BIG TIME with the elk opener on the 15th.

Good move on that one and I hope it goes through.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".
Tom - Thanks for the explanation. I haven't seen the data first hand, but if the earlier opener really does serve to reduce hunter congestion while avoiding additional harvest, I'm all for it. To take it a step further, I'd love to see reduced harvest in many of our units (and more of a focus on quality-oriented management), but I'm apparently in the minority there based on the general survey results.
I really think opening one unit 5 days early will cause thousands of itchy hunters to flock to the unit and get two opening days in. I know I would. Is there something I'm missing?

I think the 39 rifle bull tag needs some restructuring as well. The 8 day season makes it a war zone and people should be serious about wearing blaze orange on that hunt.
>>But one of my biggest
>gripes with the Oct 10th
>opener is it conflicts BIG
>TIME with the elk opener
>on the 15th.

You need to explain that one to me. Makes no sense.
>>>But one of my biggest
>>gripes with the Oct 10th
>>opener is it conflicts BIG
>>TIME with the elk opener
>>on the 15th.
>You need to explain that one
>to me. Makes no

Five days is not enough time to participate in both hunts for guys who hunt mule deer and elk in seperate locations. This is a conflict for myself and several guys I know. Last few years for us, it's meant F&G aint getting our money for the extra res/nonres tags due to us electing to hunt whitetails in nov and skipping the oct mule deer hunt due to the timing of the deer/elk opener. Move it back to the fifth and we'll hunt all three species every year and F&G gets the extra cash. Win/win.

the artist formerly known as "gemstatejake".

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