2012 Wyoming Buck


Long Time Member
Well got my mount last week, very happy with the work.
Dustin Clark out of Medford, Oregon did an excellent job again.
I really like the swiveling mounting brackets he uses so you can turn the mount to get different views. The only thing I do not like is how small it makes my Blacktails look. Sorry about the poor quality cell phone pictures.


A Buck like that, you can feel the mass better than you can see it! Super stud Buck, looks great! Congrats!!


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Yes Chad it was a hell of a wait. He got behind doing a lot of life size work for Cabela's. I must admit looking at it on the wall that is was worth the wait. Need to call you one of these evenings and talk about Arizona elk hunting late season in 6A.

Great buck and super mount by Dustin. Your pictures are exactly why my Blacktail mounts are on different wall than my muledeer mounts. Congrats
That is a nice looking mount Bill, guess one of these weekends I will have to drop by and look. Congrats again.

Bill - give me a call anytime. I have WY points to burn next year so maybe I can pick your brain as well. I don't know the unit as well late, but can give you some decent info. Great buck by the way.
Dude, nice buck.

But HLYSHT you have a wolverine in your house!!!

We need to hear that story!

99.9% of hunters have never even seen one let alone have had the opprotunity to hunt one....I mean, you and Naploean Dynamite is all I know of.

Seriously, what the scoope on that trophy?
I saw your buck in his shop at Thanksgiving when I dropped of my dad's buck. It was one of the forms we were looking at but my dad picked a different one. My next mount may be that pose. Dustin does great work.
That a dang fine wall, Great looking Buck.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
>[Font][Font color = "green"]Life member of
>the MM green signature club.[font/]
LAST EDITED ON Jun-07-15 AT 07:24AM (MST)[p]Thanks everyone.
FW the wolverine came from just below the Arctic Circle on a caribou hunt a friend and I went on. I really like hunting predators so I had an agreement with my friend. I would get first crack at the wolves and wolverines, He would have first choice of caribou. After a week of hunting and we were able to scratch up this wolverine midway through the hunt and a medium caribou the last day. No one else in camp seen or got anything.

Brian, you are welcome to stop by whenever you want.


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