2012 Regulations


Very Active Member
Is anyone having a problem getting the G&F mailing a non resident application guide ?
I called them to make sure they send me a copy and was told that all the info is on the internet and they are not maling out very many this year because of the cost.I offered to pay them for the hard copy as I read them cover to cover each year.I was told they would see if they could send me one,but it hasbeen 3 weeks and nothing yet.
I guess another sign of the times.
Unless you're saving them for something, why would you want a hard copy? You can download all of it, or whatever part you want online, just like they mentioned. They say right online that they discontinued sending them out, but you could call and ask for a hard copy. If they aren't going to do that when you aks, I don't know why they have that in there. Anyway, I think anything they do to cut costs and yet maintain at least the same service, which they have, makes sense in these hard economic times.
I guess I don't really need one ,they were just a quick reference for info .
The lady I talked with told me next year they will not be printing any of them.
I will have to print my own copy on my own printer.

I guess,they got to do what they got to do to cut expenses,I give them credit for makeing the effort to save money .

Wyoming has always been good to me.

I am going to Reno next month to the Wild Sheep Show and there will be a Wyo. F&G Booth there along with other states too. If I remember, I will ask but then that is not helping you much either.

LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-11 AT 04:28PM (MST)[p]I tried to down load it this after noon,but my internet service here is not the best and the entire book is 48 pages my computer tried for twenty minutes or so and could not down load the entire book at one time.Will have to do it in sections.
Probably will need to go to town for some ink before I can print it.
But I will get it done.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-28-11 AT 04:43PM (MST)[p]Just a sign of the times Brian! The Kalamazoo Gazette just announced they are going from home delivery daily print down to three days and you either will have to go out to a newsstand or read the other days online. They were going downhill to the point where I was a day ahead of them online for sports and stuff, so I cut mine down to just a Sunday delivery and that was mostly so my wife could get all the ads. For people like you mentioned, I guess they will have to go to a friend's house or to the library to do their thing if the F&G goes through with those plans.

Edit: That's a bummer Whiterock! It loads in about 5 seconds with the highspeed cable hookup I have here. The problem with printing it out is the cost of the friggin ink!!!
Maybe I will just run into the library tommorow and try to get it done there.They have hi speed internet.Or go to someplace with my lap top that has hi speed WY FI ,down load it there and then come home to print it.
I will get it done tommorow any way.
Got nothing else to do this time of year anyway.
Me either! I think I'm going to go out and see if the 22 Hornet I inherited from Dad will shoot good groups and maybe try to call in a yote or two over the winter. We still haven't had more than a trace of snow down here now and then. Do you have any on the ground up around your place?
Just barely enough to cover the ground and some of that disapered today.Hard crusty stuff ,not even good for tracking rabbits.
I agree with Kilowatt. There's a lot of people out there that don't have and don't want a computer. Something as basic as a states hunting regs should be part of the overhead of doing business.

Toss me a PM with your snail mail addy and I will make you a copy of mine that I have already printed and toss it in the mail to ya this wknd.

Thanks for the offer ,but I got it down loaded last night and will print it today,but I do appreciate your offer.

My internet is slow here and the first time I tried to down load it just got stuck and after twenty minutes I canceled.Late last night I tried again and in 4 minutes it was done.Just never know.

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