2012 region R hunting



hey guys - looking for some feedback from anyone that hunted or has knowledge of the deer hunting this past fall in region R. partner and i made our first trip to wyoming and hunted parts of units 46, 47 & 50 anywhere from spanish point to granite pass. we felt like we had done the research and homework and put many miles on our boots but things didnt work out as we had hoped. we knew it was a general hunt for residents but were still surprised by the crowded conditions. we were totally shocked by the lack of overall deer numbers. in the 6 days we were able to hunt we each saw 7 different bucks apiece and I got the quick look at the only one that fell into the shooter category, the rest were young forked horns and 3 pts. we heard very little shooting and saw only a few hanging. so Im wondering - was this a normal year? did we pick the wrong area? was the population much higher before the winterkill of couple years ago? bad luck on our part? anyway we had a great trip and got to hunt in some beautiful country around some of the most friendly people around.
I have hunted Wyoming several times but never in Region R,but all units have pockets of good deer hunting,even with the low deer numbers.Just finding those areas is the problem.I was in Region B last year and never saw a buck and only saw 7 deer total in 7 days of hunting . You may contact some local ranchers and see what they have to say.
This area has become overcrowded with unlimited resident hunters. It once was a good hunt but in recent years the bucks aren't getting a chance to grow up due to over harvest.
Guessing yer one of those guys who jumps on the, residents are killing everything in the general areas, bandwagon? Looking at the 2011 stats for the three area's referenced, there were about 170 more resident hunters total than non rezi's and yet the non rezi's killed 27 more deer than the residents.

Whoops, ya missed it by that much...
It's either the residents or the non residents displayed as the bad guy depending on the thread in question.
Try saying it out loud to see how you sound sometime. An occasional original thought would be kinda nice too.
You all should be ashamed......

Semper Fi
Me and my father-in law hunted region r this year he killed a mid 150's with basically no teeth left in his mouth, and I seen 2 bucks mid 150s and one mid to high 160's I also got to miss two of them which I still haven't figured out how yet (target shot everything was still right on). What we figured out about an hour into hunting was see where everyone was hunting and run the other way. The one blm road where my father in-law shot his was 11 miles and there wasn't a fresh truck track on them. We also didn't see a buck on national forest only on state and blm.
I hunted Region R a few years ago with a guide. I booked an elk hunt and the guide added the deer hunt for free since the region wasn't known as a good area to hunt bucks. We only saw a handful of bucks in 5 days of hunting, but I did kill a small (140ish) buck. I was thrilled because it was a bonus and it was my first mule deer.

I would hunt it again as a combo hunt, but I would never hunt it strictly for deer.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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