2012 draw question

Phantom Hunter

Very Active Member
My son and I along with a bud have 3 points for antelope going into the 2012 draw. We plan on burning out points for a hunt this coming year. Questioin is, if we check the pref. point option and send in the extra $30 ea. do we get it refunded if we draw? I would think we would but couldn't find that in print. Was considering not checking the pref. point box and just buying another point if we did not draw.
If you select the preference point fee option, the fee you must remit
with your application for a regular Full Price Elk license, is $641.00 ($14.00
application fee, $577.00 license fee and $50.00 preference point fee). The
fee to be remitted with a regular Full Price Deer license is $366.00 ($14.00
application fee, $312.00 license fee and $40.00 preference point fee). The
fee to be remitted with a regular Full Price Antelope license is $316.00
($14.00 application fee, $272.00 license fee and $30.00 preference point
fee). If you don't participate in the Full Price license draw or if your
application is rejected for any reason, you may purchase a preference point
during the preference point only application period. The price is $50.00
for Elk, $40.00 for Deer and $30.00 for Antelope (youth price is $10.00 for
each species).
Preference Points for Elk, Deer and Antelope
Applicants for Full Price Elk, Deer and Antelope licenses are
given the option of accumulating a preference point. By checking the
preference point fee option and remitting the proper fee(s), the applicant
will accumulate a preference point if unsuccessful in drawing a Full Price
license as a first choice. However, an applicant who draws a Full Price
license as a second or third choice will retain all accumulated preference
points and also earn an additional point. DRAWING A LICENSE AS A
For party applications, all of the applicants? preference point
totals will be averaged to determine the preference point ranking in the
preference point drawing. If you did not receive your first choice Elk, Deer
or Antelope license or a preference point during the initial draw period and
are eligible to purchase a Full Price Leftover Elk, Deer or Antelope license,
you may also purchase a preference point during the preference point only
application period.
Applicants who elect not to check the preference point fee option will
participate in the draw based on the number of preference points, if any,
previously accumulated, but will not earn an additional preference point
if unsuccessful in the drawing. However, if an applicant does not check
the preference point fee option, purchase preference points or purchase a
license and remit the proper fee for two consecutive years.
To answer your question, yes, you will get a $30 refund if you check the PP box and end up drawing. Or you can just buy another point after the draw if you don't check the box and are unsuccessful.
Rug said, "
If you select the preference point fee option, the fee you must remit
with your application for a regular Full Price Elk license, is $641.00 ($14.00
application fee, $577.00 license fee and $50.00 preference point fee). The
fee to be remitted with a regular Full Price Deer license is $366.00 ($14.00
application fee, $312.00 license fee and $40.00 preference point fee). The
fee to be remitted with a regular Full Price Antelope license is $316.00
($14.00 application fee, $272.00 license fee and $30.00 preference point
fee). If you don't participate in the Full Price license draw or if your
application is rejected for any reason, you may purchase a preference point
during the preference point only application period. The price is $50.00
for Elk, $40.00 for Deer and $30.00 for Antelope (youth price is $10.00 for
each species)."

Then he said, "Preference Points for Elk, Deer and Antelope
Applicants for Full Price Elk, Deer and Antelope licenses are
given the option of accumulating a preference point. By checking the
preference point fee option and remitting the proper fee(s), the applicant
will accumulate a preference point if unsuccessful in drawing a Full Price
license as a first choice. However, an applicant who draws a Full Price
license as a second or third choice will retain all accumulated preference
points and also earn an additional point. DRAWING A LICENSE AS A
For party applications, all of the applicants? preference point
totals will be averaged to determine the preference point ranking in the
preference point drawing. If you did not receive your first choice Elk, Deer
or Antelope license or a preference point during the initial draw period and
are eligible to purchase a Full Price Leftover Elk, Deer or Antelope license,
you may also purchase a preference point during the preference point only
application period.
Applicants who elect not to check the preference point fee option will
participate in the draw based on the number of preference points, if any,
previously accumulated, but will not earn an additional preference point
if unsuccessful in the drawing. However, if an applicant does not check
the preference point fee option, purchase preference points or purchase a
license and remit the proper fee for two consecutive years."

How's the honeymoon going there Rug? Up all night, up all day? Maybe you need some sleep buddy! :)


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
LAST EDITED ON Dec-07-11 AT 11:52AM (MST)[p]Joey, that was copy and pasted from the 2012 proclimation. I think it explains things pretty well!!
What CO stated is the actual and correct answer to the question that was asked by the OP! If you pay the PP money up front and draw the first choice license you get that refunded and your PPs go to zero for the following year.

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