2011 Gana River Dall hunt



Thought some might enjoy a video of my 2011 archery Dall sheep hunt with Gana River. I can't sing the praises of Harold Grinde and the Gana River family enough. Anyone seriously considering a Dall Sheep hunt should make sure and talk with them.. It's kinda long, but wanted to capture the hunt. Hope you like it.

Wow Great video. Great Ram and what a stalk and shot.
loved the flying and didn't even get dizzy. Congrats Man Rutnbuck
LAST EDITED ON Dec-06-12 AT 00:55AM (MST)[p]wow, great country, great ram and great vid.

Re: the stone...Hang in there...
Next time!
Harold and his crew are the real deal for sure. I would love to do a horseback sheep/caribou hunt sometime and would book with Harold and then the dark continent called and I doube I will ever go north again. They are as good as it gets. Just cannot justify the price for there when I can go to Africa for less money. Contacted reference after reference when I was going that route and not one had anything bad to say. Congrats.

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