2011 economy n hunt schedules



Was just wondering about the state of the economy once again.

Hows it going for everyone out there and what are your hunting plans for the year?

As for myself I've been hit hard by the economy and even though my trip to the expo is already booked and paid for I have canceled any attempts to buy any tags. I even decided to hold on to my cash and not donate anything to the sfw via their 200 tags.

I may have the cash to apply in NM but when things get tight I shut down everything and I'm planning on zero hunting trips this year. Just gonna hunker down and do everything I can to find work.

So hows the outlook for the rest of you guys. Are things looking up yet?
Right now business is really, really good. But I am in an industry that can change drastically from season to season. Not to mention we are still trying to dig out a little from the last couple really bad years so a lot of the extra we have this winter is going towards paying off extra debts incurred. So my plan now is to still put in for expo tags, but I will not be purchasing any hunts. Let's just hope I have one more year of good luck with the expo tags.
iff gas goes up too 5 bucks it will definitly kill off my late season whitetail hunt. unless i can figgure a way to get all my gear in my old ladies hyundai accent !
I got a Pinto station wagon you can borrow. Gets great gas mileage. Thinking about putting a lift under it before hunting season.
sounds good feleno ! maybe we can car pool ! bet we will set the chicks on FIRE with that sweet ride. does it have an 8 track ? i got some loggins and mecina to crank !
WTH was I thinking? Just ask you guys for ideas on how to keep the dream alive and you guys will figure out a way to git er done! Thats an awesome idea feleno, I got tons of shells and weapons. We just gotta figure out the tag situation. Are illegal immigrants legal yet?

Maybe we ought to all just sign up for a few years with the military and go an a 4 year iraqi safari
stinkystomper, too bad you don't have an old pair of Swaros you couls sell.


it's not a 40 incher but it's closer than the last 40 incher you posted....

>stinkystomper, too bad you don't have
>an old pair of Swaros
>you couls sell.


great post/pic, thanks for sharing

>I hope the best for you stinky.

Oh god, think I'm gonna puke. Nothing like reading the market. Who woulda thunk the last few years that 2011 might be a slow year? Careful stinkypile, QTIP is liable to find some other new rich guy to take her hunting.

"Sure hope the best for you stinky" (in my best whiney-ass voice{sticking my finger down my throat})
Just found out I am slated for a project in Breckenridge, CO
that is 2+ year job.
Was getting a little worried, even though I am working now.
So I feel better about.
Texas hog hunt in Feb,.
Alaska Steelhead fishing end of April
Alaska Black Bear in May
Wyoming Antelope
Arizona Unit 23 Late Elk (if I draw)
And what ever the draw gods give me in Colorado.
A simple "economy's great for my and I'm going hunting" would have done just fine snuffy! Talked about burying my face in it! LOL

I hope you have an awesome time, you probably deserve it!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-11 AT 10:33AM (MST)[p]wow! i THINK NV HAS SOME...NV ISSUES (by that i mean envy) Its ok though...you can sit there whine about all these "rich" people that get to go hunt whenever they want...because im sure they havent done anything to deserve the heeps and heeps of money they get dumped in their laps. Anyways for those of you NOT in lala land...Every buisness out there has its ups and downs, we are in a down, but no doubt we will be up again...stinkys just a worry wart. He started this company 6 years ago with $6000 and the title to the only vehicle we owned....this was after he lost his job and everyting we owned due to a downturn in the technology markets. He works hard for all we got and nothins gonna slow him down. He is a true rags to "riches" story. He grew up in a single wide trailer parked in the slums...his parents were great parents, just poor as dirt, to the point that the only way to feed the kids (stinky and his 2 sisters) was to occasionally poach a deer for meat. Anyways, Im glad to see that a lot of you guys are doing so well and i hope things keep going for all of you. NV you can just keep sitting on your thumb and whining about how everyone has money...it seems you enjoy that and im sure it will take you far in life...just like it has. The rest of you keep your chins up and eyes on God, it all works out in the end!!

Looking well here this year. Be doing the most hunting of my entire life this year. Since we moved to NW Colorado our hunting has grown each year and have actualy gotten to the point where the mrs finally feels she is ready to start hunting since we live in an area of the world "worthy of her efforts". I get a kick hearing her say that. As a husband I can't think of anything more exciting than accommidating my brides wishes. We have a fishing trip to Alabama planned this spring, numerous prairie poodles and fishing throughout the summer, antelope in Wyoming, and finally deer, antelope, and elk in Colorado. Feels like a dream hunting this much. An Iowa raised family for almost 40 years with 2 growing outdoor sportsmen teens now "at play in the fields of the Lord... Life is good for the tailchasers clan...
Stinky if you can't go hunting then you should have plenty of time for fishing with the kids this spring, summer, n fall :) Do what you gotta do this year and make sure you get to blow a critter up next year lol...

Idaho bear, Wyoming antelope, Colorado deer, Utah deer, Utah elk with a ML, and hopefully I can pull something else through the draws.
Utah dedicated deer. Utah rifle general elk, unless I get lucky and draw a bookcliffs tag. If I don't draw I'm sure I will be helping kawboy on his elk hunt, he has 14 points so it should happen this year!

Hopefully there's a trip to SD with gator to chase some pheasants.

I have a dedicated tag, but all my focus is going on my book cliffs elk tag. It has been a long time in the making. It still isn't a sure bet, but its the only hope I have this year. Stinky, your more than welcome to come help find a bull, I am not very good at judging and I want a solid 330 bull. Bessy maybe you can come down and put the new glass to work so I don't shoot a pisscutter.
Justr, keep track of the few good ones we have seen this year.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
I am going to do everything I have always done........hunt as much as I can.

Fuel cost is up and my salary is not, so something ELSE will have to suffer. It WON'T be my hunting schedule!
Nickman, I like the way you think, wish I was as stubborn as you.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Here the deal stinkbug, I donate $100 a year to the expo draws (the 200 variety). I'll meet you at WHOLELOT'S booth at high noon on Saturday and we'll split my donation, $50 for you and $50 for me. If your a gentleman, and I'm sure you are, you'll split your $50 with QTip and we all get a kick at the cat.

Anyone else want to throw in a fin or a sawbuck for an MMer of renown, show up at the booth at noon Sat. and stinky goes home with a handful of happy and we go home knowing we done right by one of our own.

No hunts for me yet this year. Will apply for Utah moose with 16 points (getting closer), Henrys Deer with 5 points (not a chance in this life), Buy a Utah general season deer preference point, won't catch me shooting another general season deer until hell freezes over, but maybe someday it will, so I'll keep buying points.

Got 10 moose points, 5 deer points, 4 speedy goats, in Wyo. Maybe put in for speedy goats but not ready to draw for Wyo moose and deer yet, need better odds.

Got 6 deer points in Kansas, got to wait until I can afford an outfitter, went DYI in Iowa this year, waste of $2,500.00. Won't make that mistake again.

Took a $5,000 cut in pay this year, expect the same again next year but grateful I'm still employed, even at a reduced income. Boss say's 38 more will be terminated in May of this year, mean business for a lot of hard working folks right now.

I have great faith in American toughness and ingenuity. Stinkbug, your a fighter, you'll find a way, in the mean time, I'm your huckleberry, if you'll accept my meager offer.

Going to happen RAM.

Makes me feel good.

Give it a try, see what it feels like!

Bet you like it!

Noon at WHOLELOTS. see you there. Yes?

You are a good person and a kind soul no doubt Lumpy. But - I think you could find a more worthy cause for your 50 bucks. That is just my opinion...

Call me selfish, but if I put 100 bucks in the raffle...it is all for me. I have never hunted a reservation and I have never purchased an auction tag.

Good luck at the expo....
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-11 AT 11:03PM (MST)[p]
Best of luck to you RAM, hope you have to change your MM login name after the sheep draws.

i am totally speechless. i have hunted in africa twice. me and my wife hunted the navajo indian rez together last year. the wife also hunted the san juan. i hunted the dutton for elk, and the gila in nm for 8 years straight. I've had my fun. lumpy put that money on urself. someone who hasnt lived yet needs a chance. im gonna be just fine and everything will work out. give me a few months and I'll be back on top again. however I better meet u at awlb's booth so we can chat. u send me christmas presents and now ur trying to help me get a hunt? ur over the top and to kind. i appreciate all the kind thoughts but i must agree with ram. I'm anything but deserving!

just so u know qtpie said she gonna be ticked if she doesnt get to meet u so u better show up. cuz the wrath of her is nothing u wanna experience. lol

see ya at noon at the vortex booth.

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
>I'll be there but you got
>to promise to keep a
>leash on Qtip, I'm an
>old man!

LMAO!!!! Good luck to everyone who puts in. Hope to see you all at the Expo.
Most states points again, will try and draw at least one State and make my trip to SD for pheasants season that is about it this year unless the summer really picks up.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Its ALL true....im a beast if you make me made....im like a chihuahua on crack!!!! ;-)

I call BS to you also QTPIE !!!
Besides what does you being like a hot blooded mexican pooch have to do with Stink spending hard earned or yet to be earned $$$ on a hunting trip that you will enjoy as much as he does???:)
Hey trix, your the one who called bs...I was just clarifying the part about me, incase thats what you were calling stinky out on! HEEHEE :)

OKAY I know when I out of my league. :)
OTHERWISE, I'm going to Lubbock in a couple of months, where is a great place to eat?
Ah ha, finally a question i can answer!!! I LOVE TO EAT!!! (shut up stinky)...k, my favorite is texas road house (steak) chick-fil-a (fast food), olive garden (pasta/italian) OOOOHHHHH wait the BESTEST is cracker barrel (comfort food)...and if you like sushi, ohanas.can't think of any off the wall places but if i do, i will pm you.

Now your turn....how in the heck do you know i know anything about lubbock? do i know you?

Naw you don't know me. Stinky posted something about you taking classes in Lubbock. I may have to try the Sushi, I've tried the others. No disagreement I really like TX RH and the others, except maybe the chicken thing. For fast food there I like Rosa's,
This is stinky, damn qtip wont log me back in after she makes her once a year appearance.

Anyways!...... Cagels steak house is the best place in lubbock to eat by far. You want the best made to order rib eye you have ever had. That place rules! Google its address and get there early. Its more than worth the wait if you have to wait that is.

Now who are you? I mentioned classes I took there cuz I got my degree from Texas Tech! There 3 years of my life I'll never get back! lol

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