2011 DWR proposal for Utah.



Has anyone seen the proposal from the Utah Fish and game. If not you need to read it and form your opinion. I think it is a joke. Who comes up with these ideas. I like to hunt with my muzzle loader both deer and elk and I feel they are going to ruin both these hunts. For all of you who really like to hunt need to look at this and form your opinions and get the word out if you are fore or against this. You can go to the Utah Fish and game site on the internet in the news and events read about this.
I'm for it, but I'm a bowhunter. I can see where you are coming from though. I put my smoke pole down around 8 years ago, picked my bow back up, and have never looked back! Don't plan on changing anytime soon either. Give it a thought.
If they do this, do the dedicated hunters get to hunt both rifle deer hunts?
I am also a muzzleloader hunter for deer and elk and I would like to know who comes up with all these stupid ideas? Lets leave the archery right where it is, i'm not fond of twig flippers but more power to you if thats what you enjoy, but lets fix this rilfe and muzzleloader thing right this time. Why on earth would anybody want to start rifle hunting early and I know I don't want to start two days after everyone and their dog has been out chasing the deer around for nine days and then the last or "late" season would probably start two days after the muzzleloader. What about the guys who hunt deer and elk but in different areas like me, would i have to pick and chose which one i wanted to hunt or maybe change where i hunt? Seriously people think a little bit before you just start tossing season dates around.
Would you be for it if the muzzleloader was before the bowhunt? I bet you wouldn't. What would your reasoning be for disagreeing? probably the same reason us muzzleloaders don't like the rifle before the muzzlloader. I think if they have to have 2 rifle hunts then they both go after the muzzleloader. For the same reason bow is the 1st hunt it's the hardest.
If the DWR is going to but the muzzle loader deer and elk hunt together then put it back were it was to begain with end of October first of November. Also give those muzzle loader hunters who draw a big bull tag a chance don't give them four days and then open the rifle hunt. The muzzle loader hunters pay just as much money as every other hunter that draws a tag, give them a an epual chance.
Its all about creating choices, as hunters the Utah DWR makes us choose what weapon we would like to hunt with, the philosophy hear is to reduce the number of hunters afield during any given hunt. I am a avid archery hunter but I enjoy rifle hunting as well. I will choose the weapon that gives me the best opportunity. I have always felt that the primitive weapon hunts should be during the rut. I don't believe it is smart wildlife management to let the rifle hunt take place during the prime rut time, every other western state holds the Archery Elk hunt during the entire month of September. New Mexico brakes their Elk hunts down to single week hunts with some units that allow rifle rut hunts.

If I could pick and choose I would like the archery Elk hunt from September 1 to Sept 24th then hold the Muzzel loader hunt until Oct 6, then allow the Rifle hunt to take place after that. I think it would be a shame to hold the LE rifle and LE muzzel loader Elk hunt at the same time. Attend your local RAC meeting to voice your own opinion or send a e-mail.
I agree that the smokepolers get the short end of the stick on this deal. Outside of that, things look pretty good to me. My suggestion would be to swap the positions of the muzzleloader deer hunts with the LE rifle elk hunt. That would be a better deal all the way around.
I see they have tweaked the dates for a 3rd time, with the exception of early rifle. They appear dead set on keeping the rifle Elk hunt the last week of Sept.
I'm also quite surprised that they continue to want the LE anyweapon elk hunt on the peak rut dates.

Wasn't the poll on hear ever so slightly in favor of moving it out of the rut?

Moving the other hunts around does absolutely nothing for either game management or hunter numbers in the field. The only effective tool here is to move the rifle hunt out of the rut so that the harvest rates go down. Also the harvest rates of the oldest bulls would go down. All allowing more opportunity for the same or better quality of bulls on a unit.

After looking over the info. on thr dwr site, I have some mixed feelings. I like alot of the changes, but not others. I am an avid deer hunter, and I like the split season idea, but I think that if the tag numbers are not going to be cut then it is a horrible idea. Also I am against the LE any weapon being in Sept. and overlapping it and the muzz is ridiculous. Utah is a State with a very high number of hunters and I don't think we can sustain any quality hunts with alot of these changes. Why not put LE AW elk in Nov and give out more tags? With the rifle hunt out of any rut activity you could give out quite a few more tags and not kill any more bulls. win win right? move some people through the point system.
I almost forgot, I like the idea of season dates being the same, however, I don't think that it is a good idea to hold a deer hunt that late into Oct. There will undoubtedly be more hunts like 2004. No one wants a slaughter!

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