2011 Antelope Unit ??? with 4.5 points


Active Member
It's been 2007 since I was out hunting. Had to get a refund last year due to unexpected financial obligations. Me and my brother have 4.5 pts combined for Antelope. According to draw odds the following units look promising:62,64,67,74,90,92,94 and 96. This will be a DIY. Were looking for good goats this time out. We may try and combine with deer. We have 4pts for deer. Any info on units or trophy potential would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Brian
90 and 96 would be the ones, I would look into.

Thanks Woodtick. Your not from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan are you? My old boss was nick named "Woodtick" and went to some woodtick festival in the U.P. every year. Brian
Only the Yoopers would come up with a Woodtick Festival, LOL!!! They are just a little bit different north of the bridge!!!
Put map on the wall of the areas you listed and throw a dart, blindfolded, then go huntin . . . I know a boat in the UP named "Woodtick".
LAST EDITED ON Jan-25-11 AT 09:22AM (MST)[p]HAHAHA thats freakin awesome!! I should go! and no I don't hear that term very often unless I'm pickin it out of my ARSE!!

Hey Woodtick. If I was to hunt unit 90 based on the winter, etc. Which side of the highway 91 would you hunt? Game warden suggested west side. He also said the east side had more hay fields and water. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks Brian
MITROLL---Check the weather closely for that whole area before you apply because some spots down in the southern part of the state are having the worst winter in the last 5 years. I have no idea if that unit is deep in snow but the temps have been pretty nasty out there. Don't waste almost max points putting in for it if there is a bad dieoff over the winter and early Spring.
Thanks for all your inputs. I'll let you know what unit I picked and hopefully have some pics in the fall. Brian
Chadderbox, hows the winter been in that area. On another post a gentleman said it was pretty bad in area 67. Do you live in that area? Thanks for your help. MITROLL
I live in Riverton and no problems yet, not seeing any winter kill as of yet... I think we are gonna have as good of a year as last year if not better... I talked to one of the govt. trappers the other day and he says he hasn't seen any winter kills yet either... We had good forbes last summer in these areas, so I think we will be good...

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