2011 Antelope Doe Hunt


Very Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Sep-11-11 AT 11:20PM (MST)[p]Our antelope hunting adventures of 2011 comes to an end after last weekends very fun doe antelope hunt. We filled 8 out of 8 doe tags last weekend between our friends and family. I only have pictures of 5 out of 8 does harvested due to we had to kind of split up to get all 8. The bucks we saw must have got the memo that it was a doe hunt because they were a tease.


My uncle Brian and George were up first because they had the smallest/hardest ranch to hunt. Not much of a story on his antelope other than him almost getting stepped on by a buch of cows before he made a great 300 yard shot with his .243.

Next was my uncle Brian. We had been trying to get him an antelope in this ranch the whole day and it just wasn?t working out. It was pretty funny because there was this cow elk roaming with the group of antelope that we were after. She would go everywhere the antelope went. The antelope kept leaving that elk in the dust. Every time they would stop the elk would bed down because of exhaustion trying to keep up with the group. It was pretty funny.

We went back to camp to eat lunch and then head back out. By this time 2 of our friends have already tagged out on a different ranch. (Which I don't have pictures of). After a few congrats we were back out chasing these antelope. We had entered the small ranch and we could not locate a single antelope. Finally after a half hour of glassing we spotted a lone doe bedded down. Perfect! My dad and Brian go for the stalk and she busted them right away. She got up, ran a little and just looked at them HEAD ON. Normally when antelope look at you head on they are curious on what you are. I'm sure all of you guys heard of flagging an antelope. So that's what they did because they were pretty much busted. My dad was waving his cap back an fourth trying to keep the antelope from running off. My dad even started acting like he was fixing the fence. Ha Ha. Sure enough they walked within shooting distance. Brian makes a great one shot kill at 260 yards. As we were watching from a distance I yell ?Woo Hoo?. My little bro yells ?Woo Hoo My Turn?. Now it was finally Santiago?s turn to harvest an antelope doe.

Santiago was very excited to be the one behind the rifle. As we were driving down the road we spotted a small group of antelope. The group had about 3 does and 2 bucks. The antelope rut was on. The more mature buck was chasing the immature buck and the does around which allowed my little bro and my dad to get within shooting distance. Santiago takes a shot at about 273 yards. Santiago had just harvested his second doe antelope.

It was now Roberto?s turn to get one. We have a ?ZEBU? cow decoy that we wanted to give a try. It worked like a charm! At times it was hard to pick out Roberto with the cow decoy as he mixed in the real cows as he got close to the herd of antelope. Roberto got within range in no time. He took his shot and dropped his doe antelope. He wanted a small one for steaks.

It was now Jose?s turn. Hunting these antelope is a lot easier when they are by themselves. One set eyes looking at every move you make is a lot better than 20. Antelope also make each other nervous when they are together. It was already getting kind of late in the day when we spotted this doe. She was all alone. Jose made a great shot and bagged his doe antelope. His was the last antelope harvested.

Here are some more pics of the hunt.
Just after Santiago dropped his doe

Taking a break to rehydrate

Few deer



Like I said these bucks must have got the memo that it was a doe hunt.




It was pretty funny. This buck was bedded down facing us then got up turned around and bed down facing away from us. I guess he didn't want us looking at him.




It was a very fun weekend. I can't believe that the antelope hunts are all over. They just came and went. Now it's time to chase those bulls. Can?t wait!

Till Next time


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