2010 Resolutions?


Long Time Member
Here is one. Remember to take TP on hunting trips.


I had to get it off my fingers. :) Actually it is blood on the pant leg. As Jenn always says, to the battle crapper goes the spoils of the hunt.
>Is one of your resolutions not
>pooping on your pantleg? Ewwwwww!

LMAO! High 5 for that one, Steve. Told ya someone else would mention it up, 1911!! and for the record...i had no idea what a "battle crap" was until tonight. I thought he was talking about all the crap he had to bring with him on his hunt, like battle gear. Boy, was I wrong!!!

Got a little on your leg there, 45.
"I had to get it off my fingers."

I hope you got it out from under your fingernails....naaaasty!

You guys need to fill us in on what a "battle crap" is. And I think it will be so much more entertaining if Triple K explains it!! HaHa

This post reminds me of a scene I encountered this fall while deer hunting. In the middle of the trail there they laid, a pair of crapped whitey tighties with a floresent orange Cabelas cap covered in the brown substance. Poor SOB! Who ever it was needs to adopt this resolution.
>You guys need to fill us
>in on what a "battle
>crap" is. And I think
>it will be so much
>more entertaining if Triple K
>explains it!! HaHa
It's his "Battle Crap"...you know...the giant, mind clearing, body purifying, soul cleansing dump he takes before he goes into battle to kill the mighty mule deer.

Keep the parties toned down this year when 45 goes to Kona.
(They got a little out of hand last year, to the point I don't remember having them.) LOL

I will vouch for those pants 1911 is wearing in the pic.they didn't come clean after that hunt. day old deer blood wouldn't come out.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-09 AT 06:15AM (MST)[p]#1 don't read any of Manny15 post!
#2 settle down some..
#3 get a vectomy!(yikes)
#4 not talk about how small 1911 foot is!
hay 1911 USED A SOCK DID YA? ...get any on your finger? only because I see DARK BROWN finger wipes on your trouser!
ps: a good wife will alway protect her man! (i ain't buying it lil red! a woman can get blood out of any clothing! yuck!)

LAST EDITED ON Dec-31-09 AT 10:30AM (MST)[p]Maybe I will actually get nuked next year. Tried pretty damn hard this year on a few occasions. The last one I still dont know why it is around. So ya that is my resolution. Get nuked.

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