2010 Hunting Resolutions


Long Time Member
What are your goals and resolutions for hunting in 2010? Here are mine:

1. Go on at least three quality mule deer hunts; one with my wife. Shoot at least one trophy buck.
2. Get the wife another good buck.
3. Stay in reasonable shape and avoid injuries.
4. Go scouting and camping at least 5 times in July and August.
5. Shoot more often. Go shoot prairie dogs at least monthly from April to August. Shoot paper more than that.
1. start reloading again.
2. Do more shooting.
3. Make sure my new rife is sighted in before the eve of opening day.
4.get in better shape.
5. Shoot a big White tail
6. Buy my daughter her first gun and teach her to shoot.

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
1. Get an elk!
2. Go on at least one mule deer hunt.
3. Hunt with my Dad-someway,somehow...
4. Lose weight so I can fit into the hunting clothing I already have.

The biggest one I have:

Move to a mountain state by the end of 2010!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Good one there Jim.
Best to you and your family in the new year.

Me, I'm going to go ahead & build my new trophy room this year.

I'm gonna watch my vices, (doc's orders)

Spend some more quality time with the wife.

Try to shoot a good buck or bull for myself, I think Jr. can guide himself now.


Thanks, Harry. From the looks of things, your son should be guiding you for a change. You guys have had some serious success the past couple of years and I hope it continues. Happy New Year.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-09 AT 03:25PM (MST)[p]1. Rehab the back.
2. Build a stronger core to keep the back in shape.
3. Lose the 15 pounds I've gained in the last 12 years.
4. Mountain bike more.
5. Camp more often.
6. If I draw a unit 61 blackpowder bull tag that will 'shift' the focus of where I recreate this summer.
7. If I finally draw a moose tag...
8. Try to keep the job from controlling so much of my life, it ain't really worth it. The corollary to that is to hope to keep my job in the coming blood bath that the next two years will be.

Harry, The big one is coming in October, follow the doctors advice. (Congrats to the kid, he is one to be proud of).
LAST EDITED ON Dec-26-09 AT 10:11PM (MST)[p]1. Draw a sheep tag, any sheep tag.
2. Go on at least 4 big game hunts with my son
3. Spend more quality time in the outdoors with my wife and kids. (ICM's idea of at least 5 trips is a good one.)
4. Hunt for mulies in an area that produces 175+ bucks.
5. Do more reloading and shooting.

Edit: Forgot to say best of luck to all in 2010!! May everyone's hunting dreams come true!
1. Don't break the bank on outa state trips this year!
2. Draw a good tag closer to home.
3. Spend more time hunting bucks while fishing.
4. Find and test a good hand load for my 270WSM
5. Get a meat buck if nothing else.
I'm enjoying the meat this winter more than ever.

Those are some great goals guys.

For me
1.draw my bull bison tag! hahahahaha
2.backpack in for a big muley buck with a good hunting buddy.
3.help my wife get her first speed goat.
4.have my little girl watch mom drop the hammer on a wall worthy muley.
5.just spend time in the hills with my family.
1. Watch my daughter get her first big game animal this year. I can't wait for spring bear.
2. Scout my ass off in the highcountry this summer and locate a couple monster bucks for my son and I.
3. Watch my son hammer a big ol' highcountry bruiser
4. Hammer my own highcountry bruiser.
5. Get my pups under a liontree this winter.
1. Not be the most out of shape hunter in camp.
2. Bow hunting bear in Idaho.
3. Shoot an anmimal from a treestand.
4. Spend more time in the woods with the wife and kids.
1A- Get a new HOYT bow.
1B- Sight in out to 70 yards.
1C- Get a 24"+ buck with my bow on the Southern General with dad
2- Get another bonus point for Limited Entry Elk
3- Get another bonus point for Utah Mountain Goats
4- Ace all my classes in the University
5- Keep my wife happy so I can get more permission to hunt!!!

I should probably gain some weight. I have been skinny my whole life, but two years in Peru killed my butt.

1. Hunt SMARTER!
2. Shoot the bow as much as usual, shoot the rifle more than usual.
3. Do more shed hunting.
4. Start doing some serious coyote hunting.
5. Spend more time camping/scouting in summer months.
6. Tag out in NC and VA on turkeys.
7. Hopefully draw my Maine moose tag, should be getting closer.

Success is failure that tried one more time
#1 to draw a quality tag for elk somewhere
#2 not be so darned picky and finally drop the string instead of coming home with pictures of bulls I passed up. :)
#3 Heck, if I can take care of those first two, #3 won't matter....
1. Make a finished dog out of my half Plott female....she needs to be on a few more hogs to be a finished dog.

2. Draw a management buck hunt in Utah

3. Kill a 180+ muley

4. Do more of what I love to do and less of what I hate to do.
1-kill one of the 2 180+ inch bucks we found with my bow come the first
2-try like crazy to stay single throughout the hunting season, or not end up single after!
3-get my son through hunter safety class come march
4-take the kids rabbit hunting once a month
1. Workout 5-6 days a week to get in the best shape I can be by July. Drop 15 lbs.
2. Mt Bike 30 miles every weekend & run 1/2 marathon by June.
3. Practice shooting my bow everyday.
4. Don't get discouraged and hunt harder and smarter each day afield.
5. Draw a Wyoming Antelope tag and have a fun hunt. Draw a Colorado archery deer tag and hunt my arse off. Finally, kill a wilderness archery Blacktail this year or die trying.
7. Do what you love even when your the only one who loves doing it.


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