2010 Hunting Injuries Report


Very Active Member
What injuries did you either sustain while hunting in 2010 or that prevented you from hunting this year?

I sustained permanant nerve damage(2nd stage of frost bite called superficial frost bite) because I don't like wearing gloves when I bow hunt and hunting the extended thanksgiving morning the temp was so cold that i couldn't feel my hands most of the time.

I also was pulling out of an area at night and walked into and tripped over a down barbed wire fence that cut my left thigh open pretty well.

what about the rest of you?

I don't want any... "well i tripped on my way to the beer cooler the morning of the opener and broke my leg. I just like being buzzed when I blast bambi in the punnken patch"

lol post what ever you'd like!
"I don't want any... "well i tripped on my way to the beer cooler the morning of the opener and broke my leg. I just like being buzzed when I blast bambi in the punnken patch"

You dont want any of the above type stuff but then you go on to say your hands were so cold you that you couldnt feel them what a cry baby!

I think breaking your leg getting a beer would hurt alot more than your cold little fingers.
Were you one of those kids you see in Utah that wear only shorts and a short sleeve shirt to school when it is absolutely freezing out, walking along with your arms crossed, pretending it's not cold?

No estas en mexico ahora, entonces escoja tu basura
chancho sucio.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-10 AT 04:45PM (MST)[p]"I sustained permanant nerve damage(2nd stage of frost bite called superficial frost bite) because I don't like wearing gloves when I bow hunt and hunting the extended thanksgiving morning the temp was so cold that i couldn't feel my hands most of the time".

Permanate nerve damage? Seriously?

If it cold, wear the proper gear. wtf?

You sound like the guy that is bummed that he got the clap, then in the next sentence says "you know I just hate wearing a condom"

My brother broke his back after his tree stand collapsed. He wasn't paralyzed, but was down for several months. He wa wearing a harness, but had unstrapped to climb down. It was a new stand and he hadn't set it up quite right. Gotta read those directions!
I was sitting glassing a basin during the rifle deer hunt and a guy caught my attention. I was watching him in the binos and he tripped and went head first for the first 20 yards then started rolling. He got up and looked around to see if anyone had seen then hurried into the pines. I sat there and laughed for a while about it. Sorry if it was you, looked like it hurt but you recovered pretty fast making tracks to the trees! Lmao!!!!
I got hurt... just a little than the year before and the year before and the year before..Its called old age..glad I've got 10 months to recuperate...
I was running across Deadman Point on Elk Ridge trying to beat some bugling bulls off the edge before they winded me. I tripped on a sage brush that seemed to grab my leg and slammed me face first into the dirt. Got a good rasberry on my cheek and nearly broke my middle finger. My finger is still swollen and hurts 4 months later.

It did get me to take a rest day the next day and I ended up shooting my bull that evening from that stand. Go figure!

Amazing how fate seems to turn the tables on me, on a regular basis :)

I was walking along a basin during the rifle deer hunt and tripped and went head first for the first 20 yards then started rolling. I got up and looked around to see if anyone had seen me, then hurried into the pines.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-21-10 AT 10:54PM (MST)[p]BBB, Now that there is raw humor and it's finest! I love a Smart A$$.

I hate wearing gloves as well, but I finally found a pair that I can wear and hunt in.

Cabela's Camoskins work great.

They are very thin yet just enough to take the edge off and you can still feel what is going on with your release, etc.

Giv'em a try, if you haven't already. Probably worth it if it saves the nerve damage.

No injuries for me this year, thankfully!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-10 AT 07:55AM (MST)[p]Years ago, when I was a dumb kid, (now I'm just a dumb adult) it was the day before the opening day of the deer hunt. This would be my first year I could hunt! We had put a pulley in the ceiling of the garage. We strung a rope through it and tied a 2X2 at one end to hang a deer from it's hind legs. I got to looking at it and thought (my first mistake) I bet I can sit down on that board and pull myself right up to the ceiling. Without thinking any further, that's just what I did. Worked great! When I got to the top, the law of gravity took over, and my top end, being heavier than my bottom end, quickly pulled my legs higher than my torso. That created the sensation of falling, and instead of just holding onto the rope, I instinctively threw my arms out to... all I remember is I landed right on my head and neck. There really were stars and a weird cracking crunching sound. I was smart enough to immediately recognize that that was a pretty stupid thing to do. I wasn't about to jeprodize my hunt so I said nothing. Let me tell you, those rocky dumpy old roads had me holding my head in my hands, trying to dim the movement a little. Worst stiff neck I ever had! Cold weather still makes it flare up. Probably didn't help my IQ quotent either.
A couple of days before the NM Turkey season opened up, me and some buddies were out gathering some cows to brand and I had a pretty good horse wreck. We were going up a real steep hill and I was following too close behind my buddy and his horse, his horse started to hesitate and get nervous so I gave my mare a kick to get up and around him. Well we found ourselves on some slick sandstone and all four of her feet came straight out from under her and she landed right on my leg. A miserable ride out, a four inch plate, and four screws later I was good to go. I was up and running by September and only had to miss the spring turkey hunt. Here are some pictures afterwards.




Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.

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