2009-- post your success



Would like to hear the success of our Montana hunters.

so far, I have not drawn on anything yet, but my wife did smoke a nice 5x5 whitetail. spot-n-stalk
Pictures man, pictures!

Put this up in the bear forum also, but connected on this guy yesterday morning.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-09 AT 11:04AM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-16-09 AT 11:02?AM (MST)


Good job! What did he measure? Here is a pic of my wife's first archery kill. Spot-n-Stalk @ 41 yards.
Thats a good looking buck, congrats to your wife.
Have'nt measured him but should be around five and a half, 230-240 lbs.
Sweet buck....I am working on getting some animals on the ground and post some pics up. This is my first year with a bow in my hand. I have had some sweet stalks go bad and it is really fun to be out.....but like with most posts they don't mean shi# without pictures so I will try to put something on the ground and post it up....happy hunting
Since we're waiting on people to get some animals down, I thought I would post 2 of my kills from 2008.



Here is a 2009 moose that a friend of mine took last week. 42" inches wide. Not huge but he was sure happy.
Yesterday was the opener for MT antelope, we headed over to a buddies ranch saturday evening and set up our camp. We got up at 5:30 Sunday and cooked breakfast while we got ready. Legal shooting light was around 7 am and I slipped out of the camper 5 minutes early to glass around. Went and walked behind the camper and glassed the big hill behind us, nothing there, walked around to the front of the camper and there they were, about 30 does and 1 buck, I ranged them at 101 yards!! Right in front of our camp! It was still dark, and they were unconcerned, feeding around, so I got the wife from the camper and got her set up on the buck. We waited for legal light and for him to clear off from a cow he was feeding in front of (we were right by the ranchers barns!) and then she let him have it, one shot from the .270 and our season had started with a bang!!



Here's a shot of me getting ready to gut her buck, you can see we literally stepped out the door of the camper and she tagged him!!

So now it's just me and my buddy w/ tags left, we hunted around for an hour or two and didn't see much. We drove down the road towards the ranch house and we saw a big herd 30-40 animals w/ a few good bucks behind the house. I stopped in and made sure we were ok pursuing them so close to the house, and after getting the go ahead started to walk up the draw where we had seen the antelope. We had barely made it out of the yard and into the adjacent pasture when a group we hadn't seen, a few does and 3 bucks ran 200 yards in front of us. I immediately set up and when the biggest buck paused my buddy ranged him at 250 and I let one rip with the 300 wsm. We heard the solid whop, and he ran over the top of the hill where we found him piled up about 60 yards from where I shot him. He measured 13 1/2 long, and was aged at 4 1/2. Not huge but a good representative for the earea we hunt.



While I was gutting my buck and getting pics, my buddy went after the bigger main herd we were originally eyeing. He disappeared over the hill and started stalking the herd. He was getting close when some does busted him and the herd took off up the hill, he could see a big buck at the top of the hill but outside of his range. A smaller buck gave him a 360 yard shot though, and he decided to join the ranks of the "haves" rather than the "have nots" ;D


All in all it was a good season, we were tagged out w/ 3 bucks by 10 am, all clean 1 shot kills. Good luck on the hunts everyone and till next time...









Highlights from the wife and I's season. Cow elk opening day and then a 3 1/2 year old 2x3 for her and a nice 7 1/2 year old buck for me, as aged by the bios at the check station. Then a couple bonus turkeys.
My brother in law shot this buck yesterday 11/21 south of Chinook. Not the biggest buck but the only day he got to go out.
Looks like you did pretty well this year. I think he is pretty old, his teeth are black and pretty well worn down. He also had a nasty scab below his eye that you can see in the cell phone pic. Looked like he got roughed up by another buck recently. Got him about 5 miles from the trail head in an awfull hole.


Here's my Montana success. This is my first whitetail and my brother and I with our cows. As you can see we had big help to pack them out.



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