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LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-09 AT 03:34PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-17-09 AT 03:21?PM (MST)

Here's a non-typical cow Oryx I got this year in Southern N.M.
Old very pregnant cow Oryx with broken horns.

After the one shot with my 300wsm 180grain E-tips 196 yards

This is my once in a life time draw Typical Bull Oryx for comparison 4 shots 130yds Rem 270 130gr soft points

Hunting is Life...everything else is
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WOW! non-typical is right! Very unique to be sure.
Great looking bull too!
They are tough animals. I shot one in Africa in 2006.
I used a 325wsm with 200 grain Barnes TSX bullets. The shot was from about 100 yards. He only required one shot but still ran over 50 yards!
Great photos, great trophies, congratulations!
ZEKE, do you have pics of your African Oryx?? how big was it? what was the horn length ?
I agree they are damn tough animals and can take a beatin'!

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
First of all, congratulations. Great photo too.

...but how did you get that head to stay up like that? did you photoshop a stick or something out that was holding it up?

not important but the curosity is killing me!

Blacks-Creek Packs Dealer
"...but how did you get that head to stay up like that?"

I was wondering the same thing!

The process to post my daughter's sheep pictures "desert ram for Jessica" was a little challenging for me. I had help. That said, I would love to share some African hunting phohos with you but you had better email me and I'll attach the photos. [email protected]
The gemsbuck (oryx) bull was one of the most difficult animals for me to harvest. They were super wary and not as plentiful as some animals.
Congratulations again! Your bull is a great one!
BTW; how did you get the bull to pose for you?
LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-09 AT 07:45AM (MST)[p]Orion23, NOPE NO PHOTOSHOP!! I killed my bull very late on opening day on the WSMR and there were no cameras allowed on range at that point in time. With the help of a Base Officer who had a ATV in the back of his patrol truck we retrieved the animal whole as I was intent on getting good pics of my once in a lifetime Oryx.
we loaded the animal in the back of my truck for the 3 hour ride back to my home in Eastern N.M., it was 12:30am when we arrived so wanting to get good pics in the morning I bent & tied his front legs up so they would fold underneath him but unfortunately the back legs had rigored and I was unable to bend them.before going to sleep I made sure he was laying nice and flat in the back of my truck with his neck positioned perfect.
In the morning I got a bucket of hot water and a hand towel and wiped the bull clean of all mud & blood getting him ready for his photo shoot, then drove out in the North end of my property and unloaded him.
His neck had rigored nicely overnight so we stood him up and put a short 2x4 just behind his neck out of view of the camera, we all started laughing at how he looked ALIVE and resting there with me behind him.



Hunting is Life...everything else is
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LAST EDITED ON Dec-03-09 AT 04:23PM (MST)[p]Nice oryx. I also have a once in a life time coming up in January, 16 & 17. I cant wait! I have never been on range before but my dad has with some friends of his. It sounds exciting. Too bad they only let you hunt 2 days. I CANT WAIT!!!!!!!!!!
LAST EDITED ON Dec-04-09 AT 02:53PM (MST)[p]Elksniper.......Your in for damn good time!! I'm pretty sure you were the guy that drew the Stallion Range right?? I was there last month 14-15th helping a buddy on a OIL hunt but he settled for a 34 in. broken horned cow.

there were a couple of 39+in animals taken on that hunt.
Hit those yucca fields early!! and GLASS HARD. you have to make your opportunity happen not wait for it. GOODLUCK and post pics when you get home!!!

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
OL'BUZZTAIL....I drew my once in a life time hunt on the stallion range. I keep hearing more and more good things about this hunt. Did you see a lot of oryx? How many did you see? With a month and a half away I will try to get as much pracitce in as possible. I will be shooting my .300 SAUM. If I get one my dad (Crazyelk) or I will post It on the N.M fourm.
November 14-15, 2009 Stallion Range Center (SRC) Oryx Hunt Summary

# %

Permits 111

Hunters 108 97%

Denied Entry 0 0%

Violations 0 0 %

Kills 71 66%

Adults 56 79%

Adult Bulls 30 54%

Adult Cows 26 46%

Reported Pregnant 6 23%

Subadults 15 21%

All Bulls 36 51%

All Cows 35 49%

Non-Typical 33 46%

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
Dang! Looks like the success rate was pretty low. Was the weather bad, or did the hunters keep missing, or the oryx didnt give them a chance etc? What was the biggest bull taken?
LAST EDITED ON Dec-08-09 AT 07:53AM (MST)[p]ElkSniper.... there were a couple of herds estimated at 150 or more animals, we saw more damn broken or no horned animals than ever before. but we did see some giants just could not close the deal. Hit those yucca fields early drive and glass hard every 100 yards or so both sides of the road!! and be ready for animals someone else has spooked as they tend to appear from nowhere hauling ass to cross the road so you have to be damn quick!

Top Bull

Top Cow

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09 AT 09:25AM (MST)[p]elksniper

when my 2 cousins drew for S.R. March 07 they kept worry for not killing one or missed. I told them don't worry you will see many oryx. they practice shootin as they can.

when it is time to go and we were tagged out by 10am open day! with 32" cow and 30" bull. they were very happy. we saw many broken oryx and many browies. so just be careful, get ready and glass alot as much as you can

have been to RC and SR few times. hope to go back soon!



p.s. buzztail..the pic of ur oryx looks like in Stanley area? I hunt on KINGS RANCH few times! u have antelope on ur property?
I am not too worried but there is this one thing bothering me. Through out all my practicing for my deer hunt I was shooting about 5-7 inches to the right and I am worried about hitting the oryx and missing the vitals. Hopefully I will fix my problem before the hunt.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-14-09 AT 12:53PM (MST)[p]Vini...Good call ! There are Antelope on the East side of HWY 41 but not where I am at. Gary King is my neighbor, and Bruce lived to the North of me.

Hunting is Life...everything else is
Just details.

Quit worrying son. You will be fine. You have to remember that those times you were shooting a little right was due to wind drift at 200+ yard. That very slight right shot on your deer was exactly where you should have put it on a slightly quartering shot angle. We will get out at least 2-3 times to shoot before your hunt and get you confident. You are one of best shots I have hunted with...and I hunted with a few. I am very confident in your shooting abilities. In fact, when I am hunting with either you or your mom behind the gun, I know that game will be hitting the ground. Remember, full breath in....half breath out...squeeeeeeeze the trigger.

Again, stop the worries you will do fine and most of all we will have lots of fun your hunt.

Your Dad....Crazyelk

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