2009 Idaho pheasents



I have to puff out my proud chest a bit, which I know those of you that are fathers can and have when you talk about your kids. Despite horrible weather conditions, I took my 5 year old "huntin' partner" out for a weekend of rooster bustin'. This was his first hunting trip with dad so we were both very excited! Every day for the past 2 weeks I would get reminders that "our" hunting trip was 14,13,10...1 day away. The morning (5:30) arrived and off we were. 3 hours later we were greeted with howling winds, cold, and snow, but hey we were there and excited so out we went. It didn't take long before we both were frozen to the bone, but he wanted to wrap his hands around a big ol' ringer.



Not too shabby for the first walk. I was worried that I had forgot how to shoot a shotgun! Better to be lucky than good.


Our partners in crime. My brother and his boy.



Best buddies!

One day done and we're filling our bellies.

A long hard day of havin' fun with the guys!


The next day was alot nicer. Even though it was very chilly, at least the sun was shining and no wind. In 2 days of hunting we ended up with 8 birds, and some priceless memories. Can't wait for the next "huntin' trip" with the guys!


Our hunting party from the left; me, Taidge (my boy), grandpa Dennis, my bro., Ashton (bro.'s boy), and grandma Debbie taking the photo.

Future rooster busters!


I feel sorry for the pheasents in 7 years!

what else can you say. My favorite hunting and fishing trips always include my kids.


Archery is a year round commitment!!
LAST EDITED ON Nov-18-09 AT 07:42AM (MST)[p]Very cool !!!!! Looks like a fun time had by all. Good looking pictures and birds.
Hey , it is not 7 years it is 5 years they can hunt small gameand birds at age 10 now.
These are the best pictures posted on this entire site this year. Pictures 5 and 7 are classic. Thanks for posting.
very cool. looks like a great time

"blaming guns for violence is like blaming spoons for Rosie O'donnell being fat."
sweet pics man. i can't wait to take my 10 month old with me. Congrats at least somebody killed stuff. i froze my butt off up Farmington And saw a ton of fog and snow flakes.
Brings back fond memories. I enjoyed those pictures more than all the tropy big game pictures posted.
Thanks guys-that was such a fun trip! Actually I ended up taking my 2 oldest daughters out over thanksgiving weekend (they were jealous and felt left out of the first trip with the guys...what's a dad to do??...of course take them on their own trip). It's amazing how a father can strengthen his relationships with his kids when spending quality one-on-one time in the outdoors. I'll get some pics of that fun trip too.
That is awesome! I can't wait until my little boy is old enough to tag along! He just barely started walking so it will probably be a little while
That is awesome!! Congrats on a memory he will never forget! Looks cold for sure but even the cold can't take the hunt out of a young boy! My son started bird hunting with me last year. All we have done is ducks so far but he lives for it! You have a hunting buddy for life! Thanks for sharing!


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