2009...Five Punched Tags...(Pic Heavy)


Long Time Member
LAST EDITED ON Dec-10-09 AT 09:40AM (MST)[p]

With just a couple more weeks left in 2009, it's time for a look back.
I have taken such pride in watching my son grow into a competent outdoorsman.
Seems like just yesterday he was learning to walk.

Here are some highlights from the 2009 season.

Always time to wet a line somewhere...


July brought warm weather and archery Blacktail hunting...
It took the entire archery season, but the kid put down this sweet 4x4 on the last day.


September brought on the pre rut.
A cool foggy morning was the wrong day for this four point to be out in the open.



Put a lot of mountain miles on the boots this year...



October came and the anxiously awaited Wyoming trip finally arrived.
Conditions were tough.
Hunting pressure and weather moved the deer & antelope down to private ground.
Still. we enjoyed the beautiful country.




On the third day Thomas settled his crosshairs on a decent 4x4 Muley.


We moved down to antelope country,walked a lot of miles and after a few close encounters.....


Seemed the buzztails where everywhere this year...


We found a couple of bucks.
There were very few left on the public ground this year.


We rounded the season off last week with a bear hunt north of where we live.
Thomas put the smackdown on a nice 6 1/2 footer.




The kid's got no quit in him....
Took this thanksgiving bird with his bow...



Had a great day in the hills yesterday.
Great calling & great shooting.
A triple on Yotes!
Forgot my damn camera, had to take pics when we got home.



Actually the highlight of yesterday's trip was finding the sheds of two fantastic Blacktails.
The hit list for next year looks very promising!



I took a small antelope in Wyoming & a 3x3 Blacktail at home this year.


I had all the excitement I needed just having been out there with my kid, together we have shared the best days of my life.

Thomas had his 17th birthday this month & it kind of saddens me to think that my little boy is grown up.
To you dads out there, savor every minute of your days afield with your kids, they grow up way too fast.
Best to all of you....
WHAT AN AWESOME POST HARRY! Definitely inspires me to be the best dad I can-looks like you've done well. Awesome year for you guys.
Damn!! I sure wouldn't mind being your son! Even more so I hope I can be half the father you are to your son someday. Congrats on another great year and all the awesome memories you made with Thomas this year. You are living right HH and are a great inspiration to all of us fathers. Thanks for the post, all the best in 2010.

Way to go, HH. My oldest son is 13, and we spent the fall hunting more than we ever have. Like you said, "Best days of your life." Thanks for sharing!
Harry, my son is now 20 and we may be doing our last hunting trip together next week as he is joining the Army and leaves on the 19th of January for boot camp. I am very proud of him and I also felt the heart strings get pulled on just now as I read what you said about your boy growing up and to savior it before its gone. Well our time has come and he must move on. This doesn't mean we wont hunt again as I am sure we will. He and I will be doing a 7 day backpacking trip into the Superstition wilderness here in Arizona. Fortunate we will only be about the 5000 foot level at the max so snowed in shouldn't be an issue. We decided this would be an ?all out? together. Thanks for the trip back down memory lane and the reminder for all the fathers out there to embrace the time you have as they grow way too fast.

Great post, I agree with BigRack wish I was your son. My son is 6 and chomping at the bit to go out hunting. JB
Outstanding effort dad. I'm sure someday he will take ole pops on a hunt or two. Great memories and priceless pics. BTW I think your son grew about a foot from last year.

HH I wish I was YOU! I don't have any kids of my own. My brother has an 11 year old that is ready to go. All the best to you both!
He may be growing up Harry but the way you raised him he'll never be gone. You have done a great job raising him and doing so many things with him that has forged a bond that will last a lifetime come hell or high water. Congrats to both of you on the success!
Looks like you had a busy and rewarding year. Congrats to your boy on a great year.
Congratulations to you and your son Harry.
Now that's what it's all about.
Thanks for raising another fine sportsman.

Awesome season the young man had.......I understand fully about days in the field with your son and/or daughter. You've captured it well throughout the years......thanks for sharing it with us.

BOHNTR )))---------->
Do you know that your son has filled more tags this year than a lot of us on this site have in our whole lives. That is awesome. It is cool checking out the pictures from each year. He is really growing up. Congrats
What a great year for you guys making memories! Congratulations.

For alot of younger guys here who have younger children here is a web site that just might help you become a better Dad (and husband)!


They send a great daily email that I think is great.
You are the kind of dad I had when I was growing up. Congrats to both of you. Great year, great success and great pics. As always, thanks for sharing and merry Christmas.
My son is 8 and I can only dream he has a season like your sons! It looks like you guys make a good team. Congrats!!


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