2005 Wyo. Bison



I was fortunate enough to draw the bison hunt for this year. Obviously that isn't a yearly tag, so I am lost and Game and fish isn't giving me any suggestions. Does anyone out there have experience with this in any way, and be willing to share pointers or locations?

Where are you from? One of my co-workers drew this tag a few years ago. Timing is everything. You either have to be able to spend a good part of the season close by so you can snag one between the parks or be able to get there in a relative hurry when you hear they are out of the park.


I'm from Star Valley Wyo., But unfortunately I am out in California doing some work and won't be back home full time until after the season is over. I will be out there for deer and Antelope in the middle of September, but that will only be for 10 days. Where did your coworker have to hunt them? Was it over by cody or in the Jackson area?

That would be a big plus for me to be on the Jackson side of things for this hunt. I know that terrain thoroghly. My big obstacle at the moment is that Game and Fish hasn't given me the info for this hunt yet. If it wasn't for the computer list after the rest of the draws were posted, I still wouldn't have any idea. Whne I cvalled they wouldn't tell me anything other than I was in the hunt. They just kept saying the info would come at the end of July.

Did your buddy get his buff?

Prarie Rocket,
I helped a buddy a couple years ago get his buffalo and there are buffalo that live their whole life out of the park. You do not need to wait for any to come out (ie wheather). There is always a few resident buffalo that like on Shadow Mountain outside of Jackson. If not there the sure thing is by Hatchet WY just south of there near the boundary there are always buffalo. I hope you have a bull tag cuz the cows are hard to find.

Thanks for the help. I hadn't thought of Shadow mountain, I've seen them there before. Do you mean The Hatchet Motel at the base of Togwotee or are we thinking of 2 different places? In fact, I do have the COW tag, long ago I was always told that the cows were munch better to eat and that the bulls offered about 2ooo pounds of jerky. I never thought I'd pull this tag out of the hat, so i had always put in for the better meat when dealing with somthing of this size. I never thought I'd be hunting bison much less that the cows are more difficult to find. I saw that on the game and fish wesite as well. the cows last year took an average of of 14 days and the bulls were 2 days.

Yes, he got his bison and it was a cow tag also. He ended up getting good hunt info from the local wardens, so if you know the name(s) of the wardens that are assigned to that area you might give them a call directly some evening.

Yes I am referring to the Hatchet Motel/rest area. There are always a few bison hanging out there.

Thats good, that is what I was hoping you would say. That will be a big plus since friends of mine have a ranch about 3 miles south of the hotel. If the animals aren't on their property, I'm sure they cold help in pointing me to the right people around there if they end up on private ground. I still want to focus on public areas as much as possible and try to get around a permission or tresspass permit issue.

I tried getting some info from Game and fish today, but they still won't say athing until they send out the info packet. They said I will get it in 2-3 weeks. Not very much help since the season opens on the 1st of Sept.

Dakotakid and YH,

Many thanks for your information and suggestions. Your input will most likley help me put a buf on the ground vs. the alternative with the way G&F is neglecting to assist. If you have any other thoughts or ideas, they are most welcome and appreciated. thanks again and I'll let you know the turn out if I don't hear from you for a bit.

Perhaps you have already done this, but if not call the Game and Fish office in Cheyenne and ask for the names and phone numbers of the game warden and the regional Biologist of the area you want to hunt and then call them directly. I have never hunted Buffalo, but I have gotten a lot of good information from the field people, especially regional biologists who gave me some good info on deer and antelope. One biologist even hooked me up with a rancher who let me hunt his property when I couldn't find any other access.

Good luck

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