2005 Utah Mtn Goat



LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-05 AT 01:07PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Nov-01-05 AT 01:04?PM (MST)

2005 Utah Mtn goat Oct 22nd


he rolled from the top of the ridge all the way down into this rocky crap.
Nice job, I bet it was a fun hunt. Congratulations

Keep the Sun at Your Back and the Wind in Your Face
Congrats on your success. We'd all like to hear about the hunt. Hope the pack out wasn't too bad. Looks like an ugly spot. Do you know how the other two hunters did?

LAST EDITED ON Nov-02-05 AT 12:22PM (MST)[p]I waited till the hair was grown out before I decided to go after the billie. Both the other tag holders took one earlier , one about the same & i longer but not as heavy. Saw lots of goats, had my kids up their with me so it was a great outing. Watched them with a spotting scope all fall long & knew where they would be when I went up. The first day hunting I didn't even take a gun as I didn't want to be tempted to end it too soon. We saw 2 nice billies. The second day hunting i took my gun with this time & had a huge "nicked named the Hog" billy working up a ridge towards us coming out of "no mans land area" without him knowing we were there when he got about 200 yds from the top with my cross hairs on him his sixth sense told him to turn back down into where he had been. Even though I had him in my scope for another 20 minutes I just couldn't talk myself into shooting him because of where he would roll too after he was hit, I kept hoping he would lay down but he didn't. That evening we put 2 billies to bed. The next morning they hadn't moved 20 ft so we moved in above them in their beds, when we got within 100yds i lay over a rock and put the cross hairs on the biggest one & you guessed it he stood up & turned around, so I shot him in the top of the back & he then jumped down hill & all we saw from there was hooves & white rolling down into the lower basin. But we climbed down found him capped & took only meat & hiked straight up on all fours to the top. 9inch horns with 6 1/2 inch bases, with hair that is up to 6 inches long in some areas, I am having a 1/2 mount done with him on a rock. fantastic hunt. Thanks for the info on the forum & especially Cory for his hints.
Great story Earl. Would have been cool to get the "Hog". They know where to hang. Cool you got to have family there.


Bull - Willard Peak
yes in reality thats what hunting is all about, doing it with family, my 9 yr old daughter & 7 yr old son had a blast seeing all the goats & hiking all over the mtn, my 23 yr old son was also my pack horse to get the billy out of the hole.

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