2005 Utah Moose



Here's my 2005 Utah Moose. 45 " wide 10 X 7. At first I was dis appointed in his palms but he makes up for it in his huge points on the palms (doesn't help his score but I just wanted a bull that looked good on the wall). 1 shot at 300 yards with the Barnes Triple shock - dropped like a rock.


Thank God for Horses !! I would also like to thank my Bro. in Law and Nephew for helping out.


P.S. - anybody know why these pictures look like #@%^ ? I had to reduce them quite a bit for them to be excepted. All the others I've seen on here look great. Whats' my problem ??
Nice looking bull. Your photos are fine. the best size is about 800x600. If you want, I can re-post them if you send them to [email protected]. Some of us post them directly and others through a webhosting site. I think you get larger fuller photos from the webhosting way. They aren't as restrictive on the size. Thats a typical shiras configuration with the points and not the palms. Good bull.
I've been shooting a .300 wsm. So far so good.

The rest of the story. Well we rode the horses most of the day (good 12 miles) just getting out to see what we could see. Saw a small bull and a cow. Took a little nap around 3 pm, didn't want to get to the truck until after dark. At this point we were only 2 -3 miles from the truck. Heard a cow moaning around 5:30, that's what woke us. Shortly after a bull grunted non stop. The bull finally showed his face and he looked wide enough but I wasn't convinced about his palms. He wouldn't come out of the pines long enough to get a really good look. He would come in and out of openings just to give us a glimpse. My brother in got a good look and said "you'd better re-look at him". We got a couple more looks from the side and he didn't look that bad. I just wanted to make sure he had a least good double brows. He did so soon as he went through another clearing - BAMM. Rode out in the pitch black rain to the truck and came and got him the next morning. Took 3 horses to get him out. Sure beats on my back.
should have posted a while ago i have some pics of your bull when it was in velvet he let me get within 15 yards of him

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