2005 Idaho moose pics.....Toad



LAST EDITED ON Sep-17-05 AT 08:49PM (MST)[p]Here is a pic of my friends bull he took yesterday. Shot him at 354 yds. Put it down and here are his pics. He saw quite a few smaller ones but found this one a few days ago.




Pass along to your buddy a big congrats to him on a real nice Bull. Was it rifle or archery hunt, either way still a nice bull Moose.


Congrats to your buddy, nice nice bull.


At 354 yards I'm betting heavy on a rifle kill.

Congrads to your buddy! You better tell him to have his bulled scored B&C because by the looks of the pics he will definitely make it. I've never seen a triple forked brow like the one side and the additional inches will definitely add to the palm length score. Sounds like a fantastic one shot kill!

Fingers got ahead of my brain, makes sense you are right and dumb response on my part.
But it is still a nice BULL Moose, we both agree to that. LOL

Jerry, congrats to the friend again on the fine bull..... let us know what it scores when you find out.


Im waiting for the day that I open the archery forums and see the thread titled........... Is 300 yards too far? LOL

nice idaho bull what unit, we have a 61-2 permit and are heading up tomorrow to hunt
Great bull. I am going to guess he nets B&C 165...easily into the all time book.

Congratulations. What unit did you get that one in?
LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-05 AT 12:47PM (MST)[p]Thats a great bull and will make a nice mount. However I don't feel he will go book. My thinking is he would have to have a 50 inch spread to make it. 30 inch palms and 7 inches wide. 11x9 points and 6 inch bases with a 40 inch spread would put it at 148, if he is that good. I'd say mid 140 bull. Very nice.

It will be interesting to see how he "books" out. Interesting how perspectives on the same pictures are different. Here is how I originally scored him:

9 Scoreable points on each side - 18
5" Circumference x 2 - 10
Shortest palm length - 33"x2 - 66
Shortest palm width - 12" x 2 - 24
Greatest width of spread - 47

Total 165 Net

After looking at it a little longer and closer, I have to refine my guess. Here is my final answer;-)

9 scoreable points per side - 18
5" Circumference x2 - 10
Shortest palm length - 31.5"x2 - 63
Shortest palm width - 11" x 2 - 22
Greatest width of spread - 45

Total 158 Net

And yes, that is my final answer...now, someone give us some green score figures:)
>AT 12:47?PM (MST)

>Thats a great bull and will
>make a nice mount.
>However I don't feel he
>will go book. My
>thinking is he would have
>to have a 50 inch
>spread to make it.
>30 inch palms and 7
>inches wide. 11x9 points
>and 6 inch bases with
>a 40 inch spread would
>put it at 148, if
>he is that good.
>I'd say mid 140 bull.
> Very nice.
I would get him scored definatly. I killed a bull a few years ago and he was only 42 inches wide and scored 178 3/8. With the brow tines and the length of the palms i am sure he will make the books. Congradulations on a great bull.
Congrats to your bud.
Nice looking rack on that moose.
(the moose has your old haircut!)

"I Love Animals...They're Delicious!"
Good bull!!!!! Great fronts are the secrets to score, but those long wide points are what most people are impressed by. I would never let one of my hunters pass one like that. I think some "experts" here will be surprised by the actual measurements. Let us know.
Don't claim to be an "expert" by any stretch of the imagination. Just trying to have some fun with the rack. By the way Blank, what do you guess him to be?
We rough scored him off B&C site and here's what we got.
46 3/4 spread
11 x 9 on points
palm widths 9 3/8 and 9 1/4
34 1/2 and 33 1/4 length of palms
6 1/2 and 6 3/4 circumference measurements for a net of
162 3/4 final score.

Dont know much about these animals but is a very awesome bull. Matt had a blast hunting them.
He helped his Aunt get a 44" last year up there.
Unit 50.

He still is stoked over this bull and I am very happy for him. Has called me and stopped by my job a few times and still is talking about it. Great guy to have as a friend.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-19-05 AT 08:01PM (MST)[p]Sorry, had to leave from work and just got back on the Forum. Didn't know when we would hear how big this guy was. I was unsure about the left side (length of points outside ear) but still figured at 45-47" wide he would be above 160". Added in my head and guessed rough score in the 164-168 range. The best bull we killed last year grossed 168 and netted 166+, but had the entire front on both sides filled in like Predator's. That's whats really impressive, no matter how wide they are. i just love hunting these guys. My hunter turned down a 9x9 3 year old bull last night with great fronts (4x3), but poor short tops. Only a 134-136" bull, and he wants to mount it next to his Alaska and Canada bulls, so he walked away. Even tho we could have driven right to him, I was glad he held off.

Oh yeah, when you measuure for palm length, make sure you stay parallel to that inside line. Lots of people angle off badly, and are disappointed when the official length is shorter. After measuring about 50 moose, the smallest circumference I have seen on a mature bull was 6.5" and the largest 7.75". I just always figure 7 inches even and don't confuse myself trying to figure +/- a little bit.

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