2005 Bull Moose



Ok here he is.






Story to follow:
2005 Archery Bull Moose

Ok, here is the story:

2005 Archery Bull Moose

I could hardly wait for this hunt to begin. I spent several weekends, and a lot of time watching this moose and scouting for others. I shot a cow moose in 2004. While scouting for my cow, I had seen this particular bull a few times. The night before the hunt I couldn't sleep at all; I felt like a kid on Christmas Eve again. When 5:00 am finally came around opening morning, I hit the road with two of my hunting buddies. We met the land owner, and before long I was sneaking around the area where I had seen this monster so many times before.

We hunted for about an hour before I finally saw him. After about 20-30 minutes of chasing the bull I got a clean shot at him. He was hit at 37 yards, and I later found out that I drilled him through his liver. When I hit him he did a weird circle. The move reminded me of a barrel horse going around a barrel. Then he turned and headed right at us full speed. We in turn began to run, and I didn't know three grown men could ever run that fast. I went about fifteen yards and turned my head noticing the Bull right where I had shot him. He was coming our way very very fast. I made a quick left into the thickest willow patch I think I have ever seen. I dropped my bow, my hat was ripped my hat off my head, my orange fleece was shredded with every step, and even ripped one of my contacts out of my eye. But amidst the havoc, I continued to crawl away from him as fast as I could on my hands and knees. About ten minutes later my friends showed up on the main trail looking for me. I came out of hiding and we all went to the truck to trade in my silly bow for my rifle, and also put in a new contact lens.

We waited about an hour and then went back in to find him. Starting from where we had last seen him, and there was blood everywhere. As we tracked the blood I kept thinking that he was going to be lying right in front of me with every step, boy was I wrong. The blood trail went straight into the Weber River. I had no idea what to do at that point. Did he go up, or down stream? Was he dead in the river somewhere? Did he cross? Maybe he went up or down a little ways and then back into that thick cover. We decided it best to split up and cover more ground. Three hours past and we had found nothing, no blood or water trails coming out of the river, not one sign of him. By this time I was cussing my decision to use my bow. I decided that I couldn't find him and I would cross the river again, this time paying special attention to the water. I was just so blown away. Were in the hell was he? I came to a spot I had walked past at least three times before. There in the river were logs that had gotten stuck and the river made a big turn. I went right down to the water and saw two big rocks just under the surface of the water. I used my binoculars to look closer at them. I was about 20 yards away from them but binoculars still helped. I still wasn?t sure; I wanted it to be the bull so bad but was it? I picked up a few rocks and tossed them at it. When I did hit it the sound was THUD! Not Clink, but thud, I about soiled my self. I got my friends and the land owner to come over where I was to survey the situation. They each proceeded to tell me that what I saw was a rock and I was crazy. I crossed the river and crawled out onto the logs just to be sure. I put my hand into the water and felt hair, and it was him! I tied a rope to the bull and thought now what? There was no way we could move him by hand, he was too big. We went to another different land owner, because the moose had either walked or floated down stream maybe a half a mile, so we were now on different property. The man was very nice about the whole thing. He gave us access to get a truck down to it, and even let me clean it on his property. We were finally able to pull it out with a truck. It was a great hunt and one I will never forget. I am still very sore and scratched up, but it was certainly worth it.

I seams that here are very few land owners out there any more that would have been that cool. Neither on charged me a thing, and both did a lot to help me. I think they both were great guys and I can't thank them enough. My taxidermist told me it should make the books, I guess I will see in 60 days.
RE: 2005 Archery Bull Moose

I took in up by Henefer in Morgan county Utah.

Scott Christensen
RE: 2005 Archery Bull Moose

I was told you took the river bull, congrats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
RE: 2005 Archery Bull Moose

Congrats, really nice animal. What type of equipment did you use? And what are some rough measurements? Kudos for owning up to running.
RE: 2005 Archery Bull Moose

I shoot a 2001 Mathews QX2 bow, 5575 gold tip arrows, 4 bladed mechanical gold tip broad heads.

He was roughly 35 inches wide outside spread, the palms were about 10 inches wide and 37 inches long.
Congradulations on the moose. If I was you I would be for dishing out some moose steaks to a couple of landowners , help the cause out.

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