2 weeks till Kona Trip....


Well only two more weeks at this time and we will be over in KONA, Hawaii for a 10 day R&R from here in the mainland of the hussle and bussle.
6 MM'ers from different walks of life meeting to solve the problems of this crazy mixed up world. Now whether we can agree on anything that might be a big task. But we will be having some fun and enjoying the hospitality from the Tribal Leader......none other than Chief Ransom Overton Mosnar.
Here are a few pictures of what it should be like over there unless a storm brews up and ruins it for us.





This was one of the happy fisherman from last year...looks more like a large tooth pick in his left hand.

Cupsy's pisscutter,lol!
It took a pole that big to catch a fish that....................?
Here is a short clip from last year. I'm sure it's going to be a GREAT time!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Nice eel,
But thats a way cuter "chummer" than the one we seen last year.
RE: RANS Chums Em In!

man the time is creeping up quickly, guess I better start packing. Can't wait!!!!
RE: RANS Chums Em In!

Jeez the ocean is smooth in those vids why the hell were they sick?

Also that girl puking might wanna be carefull if she's in the same boat as the MM crew...someone might sneek up behind her and give her the ol' slip....


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
RE: RANS Chums Em In!

LAST EDITED ON Feb-19-10 AT 06:49PM (MST)[p] The truth why they go. Kind of makes it hard on an ol man
RE: RANS Chums Em In!

You dogs are going to have a blast. Ho'okele is a great boat, and Guy Terwilliger an oustanding captain who knows how to catch fish. We've fished with him a couple times, and man would I ever love to get back over there to fish with him again. You're going to be there at a good time for spearfish, so ask Guy about them. They're the lightweights of the billfish world, but about the least caught species of billfish, so kinda cool to catch them. Excellent eating, I might add. Those little spears are not that sporting to catch on Guy's heavy tackle, but as he'll tell you, you never know when BIG MO might show up in your spread, so you have to be ready.

When we fished with Guy, my son took a 12 lb. steelhead rod with him, and we backed up to a cargo net we found floating out there, and it was loaded with football sized yellowfin. My son quickly found out that a 12-14 pound yellowfin fights a hell of a lot harder than any steelhead. He just about got spooled.

Have a great time!
RE: RANS Chums Em In!

have to hit it from the back to avoid that puke breath.....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

RE: RANS Chums Em In!

Man, that first video reminds me of when we had my wife out on Ho'Okele, trolling just west of Keahoe Harbor. It was calmer than that, and she got seasick and puked off the the flying bridge. Her puke somehow managed to find it's way through the open side window, and right into the face of the first mate. Man, did my wife ever feel bad.

We took her straight in to the harbor and dropped her off, as it was close enough to walk to the house we were staying in. I think the deckand was the happiest one of all to see her get off that boat.
We arrived in Kona yesterday, will be here for two weeks. No fishing we brought the golf clubs. Great weather 81 degrees today.
RE: RANS Chums Em In!

Well, at least this year we won't have an embarrassing misunderstanding like last year. When Overton talked JB into it last year he told him we'd be going out on the Ho'okele. JB had bad cell phone reception at the time and thought he heard we'd be hanging out with a ho named kelly.
Well, it took hours of research, but I was able to find a picture of Ransom NOT chumming. You're gonna want to hang onto this gem Rans.


Hey Kilo,

My wife and I are staying at the Waikaloa Resort We are leaving the night of March 4th. We saw some whales off of the golf course yesterday in the ocean. After all of the rain in Nor Cal the last month, 80-82 degrees feels pretty good.

Looks like we will miss you there just don't let the pilot make an air collision on the 5th with us...D13 and I arrive at NOON on the 5th in Honolulu on different flights but fly down to Kona on same plane.

Looks like Rans' property managers dropped the ball on the upkeep this year. Might want to pick up some paint and machetes after we get off the plane.


I told him it was a bad idea to pay property managers in cases of beer.
Rumor has it that Tiger has picked up the sport of fishing so i'm trying to trade and get him and some of his friends to come along and take JB's spot LOL
RE: RANS Chums Em In!

>AT 06:49?PM (MST)

> The truth why they go.
> Kind of makes
>it hard on an ol

I need to get out and fish for tuna some day Ive never seen anything like those fish anywhere near a bass boat.


Nets are for fish!!
>Rumor has it that Tiger has
>picked up the sport of
>fishing so i'm trying to
>trade and get him and
>some of his friends to
>come along and take JB's
>spot LOL

Well look what plick came out of the woodwork...
RE: Tsunami update

At least there is enough house left for firewood, when you catch all those fish.

Have fun Boys, for those who loose their sunglasses wear Chums, so we aren't trying to get Oakleys here by Friday ( 45) that was directed at YOU.
RE: Tsunami update

>i see u have added a
>poarch since i was there,
>nice job

AND electricity!


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
RE: Tsunami update

I see no plumbing vents, least thru this side of the roof! Outhouse eh?

Heck, i could live in that with a little roof repair, be neat shooting yotes off the front proch!! :)

RE: Tsunami update

If that is the place we are staying then it seems to me that the building codes are not up to what the main enterence to the homes would give as an impression of what is there.


I would suggest sleeping on the boat however I hear through the grapevine it sunk. Sorry guys you may have to use JB's blow up craft. Just pack light and yes he does have a patch kit.
No worries Rug. Why do you think we invited Kilo. He is bringing his boat/car.


We were going to invite Eel, but he is still having some water leakage and was not sure if he'd make it from the mainland.



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